Applications close at 23:59 (BST) on Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Applications for the New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy scholarship are now open for applications for 2025 entry.
The New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarship is only open to students enrolling on the Master of Public Health (online) programme in 2025 and who are resident in a low- or middle-income country. For other Scholarships offered by the School of Public Health please visit SPH Masters Scholarships.
The New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy scholarship offers one full-fee scholarship for the Global Master of Public Health (online) programme starting in 2025.
Applications for the scholarships need to be made by a separate form, in addition to the full application for admission to the Master of Public Health (online). You will need to have been made an offer for a School of Public Health programme for 2025/26 entry in order to be considered for a scholarship for the same year of entry. You can apply for one of our programmes via Imperial Apply. If you have applied but not yet been made an offer, your application will be reviewed at the same time.
Please see 'how to apply' below for further information and the application form.
Please note that there are other scholarships offered by the Institutes and Departments that make up the Faculty of Medicine. These are separate from the Faculty Master's Scholarships and entail a different application process. For other such scholarships, please see Imperial’s Search our scholarships.
Please ensure you read our eligibility criteria before making an application.
General eligibility
This award is open to all students who make an application to the Master of Public Health (online) programme starting in Autumn 2025 and are resident in a low- or middle-income country as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Please note that these awards can only be given to students who are studying a programme run by the School of Public Health. If you are hoping to study a Master's programme run by another Faculty or Department, please see a list of other scholarship programmes which you may be eligible for.
It is not essential for applicants to have already received an offer of a place on a programme, but the initial programme application must be made before applying for a scholarship. In order to be awarded the scholarship, an offer must have been made to an applicant.
The New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarship is designed to support future public health leaders who have a passion for public health and a desire to give back to their local communities or regions.
Need based assessment
We recognise that being able to afford to undertake a Masters degree is a considerable financial commitment and our scholarships hope to offer financial support for those who may not be able to afford the tuition fees.
The application form will ask applicants to outline why they are in 'need' of the scholarship and outline the following:
- Financial income and family situation - please provide some information about your family's financial income and cirumstances
- Interest and motivation - please explain your interest in your chosen subject and motivation in coming to Imperial College London to study on your chosen course
- Achievements and awards - If you have any particular achievements or awards please provide information about them
- Benefits of scholarship - please explain how this scholarship would benefit you
Academic eligibility
Candidates will need to have applied for their programme of choice and be assessed for entry, in line with entry requirements. As part of the scholarship review process, programme teams will review your application to the programme and consider:
- Academic potential - i.e. demonstrable work/voluntary experience within chosen field and an articulation of mature contribution/experience gained during this experience
- A very strong personal statement outlining why you have chosen your programme, highlighting your skills, referring to your overall profile, including achievements to date, career aspirations, research experience, any publications and any experience already gained
- Research experience and publications (if any)
- Strong and supportive references to indicate academic ability or relevant employment experience related to your programme
How to apply
In order to be considered for a scholarship, potential candidates will need to do both of the following:
- Apply for a place on a the Master of Public Health (online) programme
- Complete the School of Public Health's Scholarships online application form
It is not essential to wait for an offer of a place on a programme to be made before applying, but the initial programme application must be made before submitting the scholarship application. To apply for a Master's programme, please use our online admissions system.
Scholarships are awarded to applicants who have outlined where and how they would significantly benefit from receiving scholarship and deemed by the panel to have the greatest potential to be leaders in their chosen field. This is assessed through the statement of support submitted to outline the ‘need’ in terms of financial support, and your application for the programme outlining your academic potential, professional/research experience and sense of career trajectory.
Once the programme application has been submitted, those who wish to apply for a scholarship should complete our online form. The form will need to be completed in a single session, so please have the following information prepared:
- Financial Income and Family Situation - Please provide some information about your family's financial income and circumstances.
- Interest and Motivation - Please explain your interest in your chosen subject and motivation studying at Imperial College London
- Achievements and Awards - If you have any particular achievements or awards please provide information about them.
- Benefits of Scholarship - Please explain how this scholarship would benefit you.
All candidates will be informed of the decision - successful or not.
Scholarship decisions will be communicated by the beginning of June 2025.
We will use the references that you provide as part of your course application process. Please do not send references to us directly as we will be unable to accept them. It is not essential that we receive your references in time to consider your scholarship application, although their absence may weaken your application. It is therefore recommended that you contact your referees directly to ask that they respond to your course application reference request so they can be reviewed by the panel when the applications close.
Terms and conditions
When applying for Faculty of Medicine Master's Degree Scholarships, candidates agree to Funding T&Cs 2023-24.
Please note, the following conditions override the standard Imperial terms and conditions:
- An offer of a place is not required before applying, but candidates must first apply for the Master of Public Health (online) applying for a New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarship.
- Candidates who do not apply through the online scholarship form will not be considered for the New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarship.
- The decision of the selection panel is final. No appeal process is available.
- Awards cannot be deferred or used to fund non-PGT programmes within the School of Public Health, or programmes run by other faculties or schools at Imperial or elsewhere.
- Your scholarship application will be considered alongside your programme application to understand your full potential on receiving a scholarship.
- The continued payment of a New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarship is subject to satisfactory academic progression on the programme. Award holders will also be required to maintain a minimum class attendance of 80%.
- New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarships are non-transferable. If you transfer to another institution or withdraw from the College, any payments due to you will be cancelled.
- Awardees will be required to participate in promotional activities during the course of their studies and allow their image to be used by Imperial for publicity purposes. Such activities may include (but are not limited to) attending recruitment events, discussing their experiences with prospective postgraduate students and producing occasional print or web copy.
If you would like to apply for a New Rhein Emerging Leaders Academy Scholarship – please complete the online application form.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How many scholarships are there?
- What does the application process involve?
- I am in the final year of my undergraduate degree and have not yet received my final grade – can I still apply?
- I do not have a First Class undergraduate degree – am I still eligible?
- Will I need to have an offer of a place on a course before applying for a Faculty of Medicine Master’s Scholarship?
- Can I combine a Master's Scholarship with another scholarship or bursary from Imperial College London?
- Can I apply for other types of funding from Imperial College London while applying for the School of Public Health Masters Scholarships?
- By completing the application form will I also be applying for other types of funding from Imperial College?
- Do I need to send you my references?
- Any further questions?