We support all aspects of next-generation sequencing projects, from sample to data

  • Our services include consultation in designing experiments, library preparation, sequencing, analysis and interpretation of sequencing data as well as dissemination of results.
  • Please contact us to arrange for a consultation to discuss your project.
  • We welcome research collaborations with our users and projects will be considered on an individual basis upon submission of a detailed project proposal.
  • Our services are available to both internal and external users from the academic and private sectors.

Find out more via the links below:

We currently support the following next-generation sequencing applications:

Whole Genome Sequencing Shotgun
Whole Exome Sequencing Exons  |  Exons+UTR  |  Exons+Custom Target (6.8Mb)
Custom Target Capture 1-499kb  |  0.5-2.9Mb  |  6-11.9Mb  |  12-24Mb
Amplicon Sequencing Illumina TruSeq Custom Amplicon
RNA Sequencing mRNA (polyA+) stranded  | total RNA (polyA+/-) stranded with cytoplasmic & mitochondrial rRNA removal  |  Small RNA
Methylation Profiling RRBS-seq  |  Bisulphite-seq
16s Metagenomic Profiling V3/V4 Regions  |  Custom Regions
ChIP Sequencing  
We currently support the following next-generation sequencing applications

We will consider non-established protocols on a collaborative basis. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

We provide support for the experimental design, troubleshooting and optimisation of next-generation sequencing projects. We can assess feasibility and suggest the optimal experimental design for your project, taking into account sample availability and budget constraints. We provide advice on the choice of sample, sample sizes, sample collection and extraction. We provide library preparation and advise on the choice of read length, read type (single vs. paired-end) and sequencing depth.

  • Data requirement for different applications: indicative number of reads per sample and sample per lane recommendations

  • Sequencing prices (behind login): for a quick look at charges associated with sequencing runs

Our services

General enquiries

For general enquiries, please email igf@imperial.ac.uk

Funded by NIHR