Healthcare professionals

Collaboration with nurses

Our important work could not be completed without the assistance and co-operation of healthcare professionals across the UK. There is a growing need for tissue from individuals diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s, and we encourage healthcare professionals such as nurses and physiotherapists to raise awareness of our work at the brain bank. We are especially interested in collaboration with MS and Parkinson's Specialist Nurses to help us to identify individuals with rapidly progressive disease, as these patients are particularly valuable for our research.

Whether tissue donation is pre-planned and already registered, or it is a patient’s or family’s last-minute decision, it is always best to openly discuss the idea of donation in advance to ensure a smooth and mutually agreed donation process. Sometimes the decision of the donation may be done at or immediately after the time of death. Our previous collaboration with specialist nurses has shown that it would be beneficial to include some information about research and brain donation in the end-of-life plan. Please visit the donor registration documents page to find further information on questions that you or your patient may have about becoming donor.

After death

At the time of the donor’s death it is crucial to inform us immediately on our 24-hour emergency number: 07566 950 965. This number is linked to a mobile phone and after 5pm it is very important that you leave a voice message or text us so that we can get back to you on the following morning.

  1. Please call the doctor to certify the death
  2. Inform the tissue bank using the emergency number
  3. If the death occurred out of office hours, please arrange for the funeral director to take the donor into their care within 4 hours (if possible) to keep the body refrigerated

Please see our frequently asked questions section for more information.

Visit us

If you would like to visit the tissue bank at the Imperial College, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will organise a tour for you at our facilities.

We are also happy to come and meet you and your colleagues to discuss your future collaboration with the brain bank.

Information for funeral directors and mortuaries

Information for nursing homes and hospices

General enquiries

MS and Parkinson's Tissue Bank
Division of Brain Sciences
Imperial College London
Hammersmith Hospital Campus
Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN, UK

+44 (0) 20 7594 9734 (MS)
+44 (0) 20 7594 9732 (Parkinson's)

Emergency contacts
From 1 December 2017 our emergency number is changing to
07566 950 965 (MS and Parkinson's)