FortessaA filter set

355nm UV

Collection filterMirrorFluorochromes
450/50* - DAPI, Calcein Blue AM, Fixable Blue Dead Cell Stain, Indo-1 hi, Indo-1 AM, Hoechst 33258, NucBlue Live Cell Stain
530/30** 505LP Alexa Fluor 430, Indo-1 lo, Qdot525 

*450/50 filter can be changed for 379/28 filter for BUV395; **530/30 filter can be changed for 740/35 and LP690 for BUV737

Summary of the table's contents

405nm Violet

Collection filterMirrorFluorochromes
450/50 - BV421, Alexa Fluor 405, BD Horizon V450, Celltrace Violet, CFP, DAPI, DyLight 405, DyeCycle Violet, eFluor 450, Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain, Fixable Viability eFluor 450, Hoechst (blue), Pacific Blue, PO-PRO-1, SYTOX Blue, VioBlue
525/50 475LP BV510, AmCyan, BD Horizon V500, Fixable Aqua Dead cell stain, Fixable Viability eFluor 506, Krome Orange, Pacific Orange, Qdot 525, VioGreen
605/12 595LP BV605, Qdot 585
655/8 630LP BV650
710/50 690LP Brilliant Violet 711, Qdot 705
780/60 750LP Brilliant Violet 786, Qdot 800
Summary of the table's contents

488nm Blue

Collection filterMirrorFluorochromes
530/30 505LP FITC, AlexaFluor 488, Calcein, CellVue Jade, CFSE, Cy2, DyLight 488, DyeCycle Green, eGFP,  eYFP , Fixable green dead cell stain, mCitrine, Oyster 488, Rhodamine 110,  Rhodamine 123,  SYTOX Green, TO-PRO-1, YO-PRO-1
675/20 660LP PerCP, (PE-Cy5**)
710/50 685LP 7-AAD, PerCP-Cy5.5, PerCP-eFluor710

**PE-Cy5 is not recommended for use with APC.

Summary of the table's contents

561nm Yellow Green

Collection filterMirrorFluorochromes
582/15 570LP PE, DsRed, tdTomato, RFP
620/10 600LP PE-Dazzle 594, PE-Texas Red, m-Cherry, PI, PE-Vio615
710/50 685LP 7-AAD, PE-Cy5.5,  
780/60 750LP PE-Cy7, PE-Vio 770
Note: Not every fluorochrome will be able to be used in combination with the ones above, it is the responsibility of the user to research this during panel setup.
Summary of the table's contents

633nm Red

Collection filterMirrorFluorochromes
670/14 - APC, Alexa Fluor 647, Cell Proliferation Dye eFluor 670, CellVue Maroon, CellVue Plum, Cy5, Cy5.5, DRAQ5, DRAQ7, Dylight 649, Dye Cycle Ruby, Fixable far red dead stain, Fixable Viability eFluor 660, Fx Cycle Far Red Stain, Oyster 650, SYTOX Red, TO-PRO-3, YO-PRO-3
720/40 710LP Alexa Fluor 700, APC-Cy5.5, CellVue Burgundy, DRAQ7, Dye Cycle Ruby
780/60 750LP Alexa Fluor 750, APC-Alexa Fluor 750, APC-Cy7, APC-eFluor 780, APC-H7, APC-Vio770, CellVue NIR780, DRAQ7, Fixable near-IR dead stain,, Fixable Viability eFluor 780
Note: Not every fluorochrome will be able to be used in combination with the ones above, it is the responsibility of the user to research this during panel setup.
Summary of the table's contents


National Heart and Lung Institute

General enquiries

St Mary's FACS Facility
Room 312D, third floor
Medical school building 
St Mary's Campus 
Norfolk Place 
London W2 1PG 

Facility Manager
Dr Isabel Correa-Otero