Applications of urine analysis

  • Specific drugs of abuse screen for clients attending drug dependency clinics
  • Confirmation of positive results from screening tests
  • To check compliance of medication in mental health patients

UDAS - (Urine Drugs Analysis System)

The Toxicology Unit has over 30 years experience in analysing urine from drug treatment centres. The unit developed a novel method of analysis, UDAS, for the simultaneous detection of major drugs of abuse, prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

The method uses gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (the gold-standard identification technique in the forensic profession) providing conclusive identification of drugs and eliminating the need for initial screening; hence being a cost-effective analysis method.

The reported results are of a standard suitable for use in court.

The method can:

  • Distinguish between street heroin, diamorphine and poppy seed ingestion
  • Determine if morphine is due to codeine ingestion
  • Be used to detect 'unknowns'
  • Detect various antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, over-the-counter preparations, among others - each sample is screened for approximately 50 drugs in total
  • Routine screen includes buprenorphine (Subutex) and metabolites

The method has been fully validated and published in a peer-reviewed journal:

S. Paterson, R. Cordero, S. McCulloch, P. Houldsworth. Analysis of urine for drugs of abuse using mixed-mode solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Ann. Of Clin. Biochem. 2000; 37: 690-700.

Applications of UDAS

  • Specific drugs of abuse screen for clients attending drug dependency clinics
  • Confirmation of positive results from screening tests
  • To check compliance of medication in mental health patients
Department of MedicineSection of Endocrinology and Investigative Medicine

General enquiries

Toxicology Unit
Imperial College London
Charing Cross Hospital Campus
St. Dunstan’s Road
London W6 8RP

+44 (0)20 3311 7108