Knowledge Mobilisation & Academic Career Development

Knowledge Mobilisation
What is knowledge mobilisation (KM)?

NIHR defines it as:

"Getting the right information to the right people in the right format at the right time, so as to influence decision-making. Knowledge Mobilisation includes dissemination, knowledge transfer and knowledge translation."

A central feature of KM is democratisation of knowledge.

Our HPRU KM Lead and Strategy

Lead: Dr Raheelah Ahmad


Having developed an enhanced and systematic approach for early stakeholder engagement to optimise KM, collaborators spanning primary, acute and long-term care providers in London, South/South-East of England, the third sector, policy makers, and all relevant sections within UK-HSA, will collectively analyse the environmental domains facilitating uptake of scientific evidence and other outputs. Learning from national political, economic, sociological, technological and legislative domains and our international networks will be harnessed to benefit the NHS (see figure).

map of HPRU knowledge mobilisation framework

‘Ground-up’ workshops (HPRU team, NHS operational delivery staff, PPI reps) will complement this macro-level analysis to draft a Theory of Change (ToC) setting out assumptions, preconditions, interim steps and outcomes needed to reach the impact identified in the strategic plan. Our management committee will consider the ToC to ensure consistency with the overarching strategic format and thereafter a ‘live’ document reviewed by theme leads/teams quarterly, the committee twice yearly, and validated by the Advisory Board annually.

We will exploit the novel participatory system dynamics simulation methodology to (a) leverage existing data, literature, expert knowledge, and behavioural variables, allowing a transparent, low-risk/low-cost simulation of impact of policy and service delivery options and (b) enhance organisational learning and mental models of different stakeholders. The methodology recognises that KM in healthcare is nonlinear, driven by multi-sectoral stakeholders, and can be highly reactive, i.e. in patient-GP interactions, or slow and highly protracted, i.e. in technology adoption.

As well as strategic oversight, our lead will have operational responsibility for

  • facilitating ToC workshops informed by our work on sustained change and culture;
  • ensuring best KM practice is scaled up within and between the Imperial HPRUs;
  • organising learning exchange with the Oxford HPRU on AMR and HCAIs;
  • aligning outputs to coordinate Patient Participation, Involvement and Engagement in research and NIHR research dissemination;
  • sourcing/delivery of capacity building jointly with The Forum; and
  • agreeing with the HPRU Directors, agenda and scientific papers for discussion at the successor to the Patient Safety All-Party Parliamentary Group, for which our Faculty of Medicine will serve as secretariat.

WAAW2020 webinar: United to Preserve Antimicrobials