Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are any infections that develop as a direct result of contact with the healthcare system. This could be care provided in your own home or care provided in a hospital, in a GP surgery or nursing home and which was not present or incubating at the time of admission. HCAIs include infections that occur after surgery and infections which occur due to the prolonged use of inserted medical devices like drips or catheters. You have probably heard of some healthcare-associated infections in the media, such as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the so-called 'superbug'.

However, HCAIs also include infections caused by medicines like antibiotics affecting the balance of harmless bacteria in the gut. This allows some bacteria like C. difficile which can be found in people’s intestines (their “digestive tract” or “gut”), which normally does not cause a problem, to grow to unusually high levels. This, in turn, allows the toxin they produce to reach levels where it attacks the intestine and causes diarrhoea and fever.

HCAIs are a major concern for patients when entering hospitals or other environments providing healthcare and they can affect both patients and healthcare workers.

MRSA Action UK is a registered charity that supports people who have been affected by healthcare associated infection. Find out more about them here

Healthcare associated infections