Explore and get access to data
Individuals wishing to access information within the iCARE Secure Data Environment can request access to the Metadata Catalogue. To request access please email us at imperial.dataaccessrequest@nhs.net.
Available research datasets
Our available curated datasets:
- Details of the iCARE Data Model (XLS)
- Details of the iCARE Maternity Data Model (XLS)
- Details of the Whole System Integrated Care database
- Details on our NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative datasets
- HDR Innovation Gateway
We are aiming to make information about the datasets (known as metadata) we hold for use in research available in the public domain as soon as possible. We are working through an automated process at the current time to ensure we can meet the Trust’s rigorous security rules.
Get access to data
We have set up a single route for applications to access Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s (ICHT) de-identified patient data. This includes access to unstructured data (text and imaging) and access to ICHT data linked to other datasets including Whole Systems Integrated Care data. Please read all information on this page before applying to access data.
The iCARE team are happy to support applications for all types of studies requiring access to routine data, however some types of studies may require further approvals or review by other committees, for example:
- Transfer of data outside of the Trust
- Projects that involve contact with patients (e.g. clinical trials)
- Projects that require access to identifiable data
We can provide details of these further approvals as part of the application process.
How to apply for access:
- Understand the data
- Complete the application form
- Present your project
- Dates of future Committee meetings
- Complete training and induction
- Your responsibilities once access is approved
Contact us
For general enquiries email: imperial.dcs@nhs.net
For data access enquiries email: imperial.dataaccessrequest@nhs.net