'My Mesothelioma Story' is an audio interview series created by the National Centre for Mesothelioma Research (NCMR), together with patients and carers, and Mesothelioma UK. The interviews contain stories of people whose lives have been affected by mesothelioma.
My Mesothelioma Story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 1: Introduction
Introduction by Prof Bill Cookson, Director of NCMR
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 2: Pete
Track 2: Pete's story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 3: Fiona
Track 3: Fiona's story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 4: Simon
Track 4: Simon's story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 5: Maria
Track 5: Maria's story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 6: David
Track 6: David's story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 7: Roger
Track 7: Roger's story
My Mesothelioma Story - Track 8: Liz Darlison
Track 8: Liz Darlison, Mesothelioma UK
Music provided under Creative Commons by Daniel Birch.