Key info
CHARIOT COVID-19 Rapid Response (CCRR) study
To understand the impact of lockdown on older people over time
Links and further reading:
Learn more about the CHARIOT REGISTER (for people aged 50-85)
It has been established that COVID-19 is more severe in older people and those with other conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and many are being advised to take extra care and even to shield for many months to limit their risk of infection. But less is known about the impact of these lockdown restrictions themselves on older people.
Imperial College London have launched the CHARIOT COVID-19 Rapid Response (CCRR) study to address these questions. The Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC) are supporting this study alongside other researchers and staff from the National Heart and Lung Institute and the Department of Surgery & Cancer.
The study is inviting 40,000 CHARIOT Register participants and adult members of their households to complete a weekly survey of symptoms for up to a year, and every six weeks there will be additional questions on physical activity, sleep, mood (anxiety / depression) and daily tasks. The main aim is to provide estimates of the number of participants who have already had COVID-19, and to measure the impact of the epidemic and lockdown measures on mental and physical well-being. In particular, the research will look at how various lifestyle, medical, social and mental health factors influence people’s vulnerability and resilience. This understanding will contribute to prevention of age-related disease and better care.
The CHARIOT Register was first initiated in 2012 and includes individuals aged 50-85 who are willing to participate in studies of healthy ageing and dementia prevention. CHARIOT is one the largest local registers of its kind worldwide.
For more information on the CHARIOT Register and to get involved:
Quotes from principal investigators:
Professor Helen Ward
“This is a really important study and it is excellent that we have been able to get this collaboration up and running so quickly. While most research is focusing on the impact of lockdown on the coronavirus epidemic itself, it is crucial that we also assess the wider impact on people’s health and wellbeing, including mental health. The response of CHARIOT members has been magnificent – one in four agreed to participate in the first 24 hours of the invitation going out.”
Professor Lefkos Middleton
“CHARIOT members have already volunteered to take part in health research, and thanks to them we will be able to get some rapid answers to key questions. We don’t know how much the restrictions are affecting older people, but we assume that many will be facing increased problems due to the combination of reduced exercise, social isolation and changes in access to healthcare as well as any direct effects of COVID-19. The CCRR study will provide some early insights and we then plan to develop interventions to try and reduce any harmful effects.”
Full study title:
Cognitive Health in Ageing Register: Investigational, Observational and Trial studies in dementia research (CHARIOT) - COVID-19 Rapid Response Study (CCRR)
Ethical approval:
ICREC: 20IC5942
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PERC Director and Co-Founder
Prof. Helen Ward
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