This study aims to examine the risk perceptions and behavioural responses of the public during the early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in the UK.
Between 17 and 18 March 2020, we ran a cross-sectional population survey of 2,108 UK adults via YouGov to better understand how people were feeling about the outbreak and whether they were willing and/or able to follow the government's guiance around social distancing, self-isolation and working from home.
risk perception outputs
New research survey
As restrictions start to ease, we decided to carry out a follow-on research survey between 19 June to 3 July to better understand how communities viewed the latest measures in place, and find out people’s experiences during lockdown.
The survey was open to anyone living in the UK aged 18+, but we were particularly keen to hear from:
- People who have been shielding or advised to shield (stay at home and avoid face-to-face contact) due to being at greater risk of severe illness from coronavirus
- People who live with a chronic condition
- People who may not have previously taken part in research
- Anyone else who is being heavily affected by the outbreak
These views are very important to the COVID-19 outbreak but often underrepresented in research.
> Go to the research survey opportunity page to find out more.
The survey closed at 11pm on Friday 3 July 2020.
Contact us
PERC Director and Co-Founder
Prof. Helen Ward
For enquiries about public involvement in research and research more generally, please email:
Read our blog
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- Having an Impact with Public Involvement in Paediatric Intensive Care Research
- Public engagement and involvement at the Cardiomyopathy UK conference: When researchers and the public meet
- Why did nobody ask us?! Reflections and findings from co-produced research into children’s vaccine uptake.
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