This video lets you know what to expect from your breast screening appointment.

Scroll to see the video in these languages: English (below), বাংলা, عربي, 廣東話, Nederlands, Français, Deutsch, עִברִית, Italiano, Polski, português, Română, русский, somaliyeed, español, Kiswahili, Türkçe, اردو

English language video

This video lets you know what to expect from your upcoming NHS breast screening appointment.

We invite you to complete an anonymous survey after watching the video on breast cancer screening.
Click on this link to complete the survey

عربي - الوطنية الصحة خدمة في للثديين الشعاعي

NHS Breast Screening video - عربي

NHS ক্যান্সার স্ক্রীনিং - বাংলা

NHS Breast Screening video - বাংলা

NHS 乳腺癌筛查 - 廣東話

NHS Breast Screening video - 廣東話

NHS Borstkankerscreening - Nederlands

NHS Breast Screening video - Nederlands

Dépistage du sein - Français

NHS Breast Screening video - Français

Brustkrebsvorsorge beim NHS - Deutsch

NHS Breast Screening video - Deutsch

בדיקת סרטן השד NHS - עִברִית

NHS Breast Screening video - עִברִית

Lo screening per il cancro del seno de NHS - Italiano

NHS Breast Screening video - Italiano

Badanie przesiewowe raka piersi NHS - Polski

NHS Breast Screening video - polski

Rastreio do cancro da mama do NHS - Português

NHS Breast Screening video - português

Screening-ul la sân NHS - Română

NHS Breast Screening video - Română

Скрининг молочных желез от - русский

NHS Breast Screening video - русский

Baaritaanka naasaha ee NHS - somaliyeed

NHS Breast Screening video - somaliyeed

El examen del cáncer de mama en el NHS - Español

NHS Breast Screening video - español

Uchunguzi wa matiti - kiswahili

NHS Breast Screening video - kiswahili

NHS meme kanseri taraması - Türkçe

NHS Breast Screening video - Türkçe

چھاتی کی اسکریننگ NHS

NHS Breast Screening video - اردو