15th May,  2:00-5:30 pm. Followed by drinks and nibbles

Royal School of Mines, LT 1.47


2:00 – 2:40. Prof. Sian Harding, BHF, NHLI
Talk title: The Imperial BHF Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine
Centre: aims and networking

2:40- 3:00: Dr. Gabor Foldes, BHF, NHLI
Talk title: Modelling hypertrophy with human pluripotent stem cell –
derived cardiomyocytes

3:00- 3:20 : Dr. Christine Maria Horejs, Dept of Materials
Talk title: Exploring the “cryptic” ECM – the ultimate regulator of
cellular function

3:20-3:40: Dr. Edwin Hawkins, Dept of Life Sciences
Talk title: TBC
3:40- 4:00: Coffee and patisserie break
4:00- 4:40: Prof. Michael Lovett, NHLI, Systems Biology
Talk title: TBC

4:40-5:20: Prof. Molly Stevens, Biomedical Materials and Regenerative
Talk title: TBC

5:20 – drinks and nibbles reception (room G0.4A, RSM)

Join our network

If you would like to become a member of the network please contact us. 

Coordination and contact

Network Lead
Dr Michela Noseda

Network Lead
Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala

Network Coordinator 
Zuzanna Jablonska

Network Coordinator 
Marine Secchi

General enquiries