5th Half Day Meeting - Tuesday 21st February 2017, 2-6pm

5th Half Day Meeting - Tuesday 21st February 2017, 2-6pm

Hammersmith Campus, Lecture Theatre 2 – Wolfson Education Centre

2:00-2:50 Professor Robin Ali, UCL Institute of Opthalmology

Talk title: RPE and photoreceptor transplantation for the treatment of retinal degeneration

2:50-3:15 Dr Harsh Amin, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London

Talk title: Traumatic Mechanobiology: Implications for Heterotopic Ossification

3:15-3:40 Dr. Stephen Patrick, Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, UCL

Talk title: Whole body tracking of human stem-cells with 89Zr-oxine PET: a translational tool for visualising cell therapies

3:45-4:15 Coffee Break

4:15-4:40 Dr. Mark Allenby, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London

Talk title: Spatiotemporal mapping of erythroid, stromal, and osteogenic niche formation to

support physiologic red cell production in a three-dimensional hollow fibre perfusion bioreactor

4:40-5:30 Professor Athanasios Mantalaris, Centre for Process Systems Engineering

Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London

Talk title: Metabolism and the role of metabolomics in stem cell bioprocessing

5:30-6:30 Drinks and nibbles



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Coordination and contact

Network Lead
Dr Michela Noseda

Network Lead
Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala

Network Coordinator 
Zuzanna Jablonska

Network Coordinator 
Marine Secchi

General enquiries