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NIHR Doctoral Training Camp 2024

The NIHR Academy runs an annual summer event for PhD students based within NIHR Infrastructure, Schools and Incubators. The Training Camp is a three-day intensive residential event to support career progression and competitiveness in putting together a funding application. The event will include some informative plenary talks but will also have the attendees separated into mentored groups for interactive sessions and there will be a multidisciplinary team task to write and submit a research grant application to a fictitious funding programme.

We sent three Incubator-affliated PhD students and asked them to reflect on their experience following the camp.

NIHR Doctoral Training Camp 2024 Blog

Dr Ruth Reeve (PhD), Clinical Specialist GI Sonographer

The grant writing training camp run by the NIHR was one of the most valuable research skills events I have attended. The three days were packed with useful advice and guidance to give us the skills that will boost the success rates for future grant applications. The day contained not only educational and inspirational talks by leading experts in research but also gave everyone attending the experience to put these skills to the test in an interactive grant writing task that made you feel like you were on the apprentice. Not for the faint hearted but it was a great way to push ourselves and put our newly acquired tips to the test! The day was complemented by having multidisciplinary teams which really helped to develop the necessary skills you need as a researcher which also created a wonderful opportunity to network and build relationships with other researchers from across the UK in different disciplines.Anyone and everyone that wants to undertake research must have the skills to apply for and gain funding to support this, making this a great event. This training camp provides a unique opportunity to hear from the funders and NIHR panel reviewers what they want to see in applications and what the application process will look like from beginning to interview stage and beyond.

The training camp is aimed at people who currently or recently completing their doctorate and are looking to increase their grant writing skills to take forward for their future research careers! 

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I turned up, but the training camp exceeded my expectations in so many ways! The event was so well organised to include educational content whilst remaining considerate of the needs of the delegates, building in support and wellbeing resources throughout the 3 days. I was a little apprehensive going into the task element of the camp, however, have come away feeling more confident about my skills, what I need to work on in the future and as an extra bonus I have made some great friends through working in a fantastic team during the tasks.

Ifraax Abdi Osman, Lecturer in Medical Imaging

Attending the NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp was an enlightening and transformative experience. One of the most significant takeaways from the camp was the detailed guidance on what a funding panel looks for in an application. The sessions offered a deep dive into the criteria and expectations, demystifying the process. This knowledge is crucial for any researcher seeking funding, as it helps bridge the gap between having a good idea and presenting it compellingly.

The camp's format, which included writing a full NIHR funding application in less than 36 hours, was particularly exhilarating. This intense exercise demonstrated that what might seem impossible at first is achievable with the right mindset and collaborative effort. The tight deadline ensured a focus on essentials, honing writing skills, and delivering a coherent and persuasive application. The opportunity to work in a team with people I had never met before was both challenging and rewarding. It fostered teamwork, enhanced communication skills, and pushed everyone to deliver their best under pressure. 

Interestingly, I discovered that I knew more than I had anticipated. This realisation was empowering, as it demonstrated that my knowledge and skills were valuable and that I could contribute meaningfully to the team's success. It was a potent reminder of the importance of self-confidence in research and academia.

Moreover, learning about the different career pathways that various researchers had taken was incredibly inspiring. Hearing firsthand accounts of how seasoned researchers got involved in their fields and the journeys they undertook provided a roadmap for navigating my own career. It underscored the fact that there is no single path to success in research; rather, there are many routes, each with its own set of challenges and rewards.

My experience at the NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp was overwhelmingly positive. The camp significantly enhanced my research skills, particularly in writing and presenting funding applications. I now have a clearer understanding of what I can achieve under pressure, which has boosted my confidence as a researcher.

Winning an award with my team was the cherry on top. It validated our hard work and reaffirmed my belief in my capabilities. The award was not just a personal victory but a testament to the power of teamwork and effective communication. It was a powerful motivator that will undoubtedly drive me in my future research endeavours. I highly recommend attending this camp to anyone looking to advance their research career and make meaningful contributions to their field.

Catriona Hynes, Senior Lecturer Ultrasound

The doctoral training camp is an annual 3-day event which provides guidance and practical experience to enable delegates to learn how to put together a successful application for funding for healthcare researchers. The event was very well run and expertly facilitated by an enthusiastic and inspirational team from NIHR. 

In terms of applying for research funding, the camp provided valuable insights. The event included a variety of presentations relevant to research, funding, inspirational speakers, public involvement in research. It emphasized the importance of understanding your funding sources, reading the guidance documents, discussing your application with experts, financial considerations, and effective presentation of your proposal. I now have a better understanding of the importance and value of patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in research design. It also highlighted the significance of knowledge exchange, research output and impact. The first day of the camp was live-streamed, allowing many virtual attendees to experience part of the event. Following the initial presentations, the event focused on the development of a funding application for a fictitious research programme. Delegates worked in mixed professional groups to prepare a grant proposal to present to a panel of experts. Each group had access to expert advice, and we were well supported by an experienced researcher as a mentor, and a public contributor advisor.  

Overall, the NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp 2024 was a well-organized, welcoming, and informative event that provided valuable insights and practical experience in applying for research funding. This event is ideal for those at the end of their PhD journey and seeking to move onto postdoctoral research. The event provided an excellent networking opportunity, which allowed me to meet a wide range of other researchers from a diverse scientific and professional backgrounds. This experience was intense and very challenging, but also very enjoyable. The opportunity to work in a multi-professional group (rather than as an individual PhD researcher) was very welcome, and I learned a lot from the event, and from individuals in my group. 

The camp was highly beneficial for me as an early career researcher, informing me about the range of skills needed when applying for funding. It was a great platform for learning, networking, and enhancing one’s skills in grant proposal writing, and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in pursuing a career in healthcare research. This event requires your full focus, so do not expect to do any other work during the three days! I completed the event feeling mentally exhausted, but much better equipped to tackle a grant application, more aware of how the process worked, and where to get help and find funding for future research. Following the event, I now have a clearer plan of my own long term aims and objectives as a postdoctoral researcher.