student using pipette

An opportunity for medical, veterinary and dental students to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of cardiovascular disease.


Course Administrator
Uzma Chaudhary

Main teaching Campus

Three students talk about the intercalated BSc in cardiovascular sciences

Meet our students
Pathway Overview [download]Register for the iBSc FairApply online now


The BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences programme is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the scientific basis of cardiovascular disease and how this relates to diagnosis and treatment. The course focuses on the main cardiovascular disease areas and has a strong translational emphasis. Topics covered include:

  • the normal functioning of the heart and vasculature,
  • the mechanisms that are involved in a particular disease
  • how these affect individual patients and populations
  • the scientific basis of established and novel treatments
  • an introduction to the principles of epidemiology, diagnostic imaging and therapeutic strategies as applied to cardiovascular disease

The programme aims to create clinicians and academics with the ability to interpret and inform best practice, and to extend boundaries of current thinking and advance medicine. It also provides the foundation in scientific methodology and analytical approaches from which the student can grow into a competent clinician and clinical researcher that could lead to postgraduate research studies. 

A diverse team of clinicians and scientists based at the National Heart & Lung Institute with a broad range of expertise within Cardiovascular Sciences support the programme:

 Research Opportunities

On the cardiovascular science BSc course, students will have the opportunity to fully embed themselves within one of the world-leading research groups at Imperial and participate in cutting-edge research. Previous students have achieved impressive outputs from their BSc research including:

1. Publications in high-impact journals, e.g.

2. Prizes/awards at conference, e.g. European Heart Rhythm Association e-Cardiology Prize Runner-Up 2021, Cheng Pou Chan (BSc student 2019-2020), Heart Rhythm Congress Young Investigator Prize Runner-Up 2021, Khulat Saqi (BSc student 2020-2021), 

3. Presentations at international and national conference (see images below)

BSc Cardiovascular Sciences Students Presenting at Conferences

 Aims and objectives

The programme will give a firm grounding in the scientific foundations of the study of cardiovascular disease. 

By the end of the programme, students will:

  • Demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of cardiovascular science, extending to current research controversies and challenges.
  • Understand and critically appraise scientific evidence on which this cardiovascular science knowledge is based.
  • Understand and apply the fundamental methods, principles and practice of scientific research within the field of cardiovascular sciences.
  • Be able to relate scientific knowledge to the epidemiology, investigation, management and treatment of cardiovascular disease. 

Hear from Course Directors and our students

Course introduction

 Course director Dr Fu Siong Ng provides an overview of what the intercalated BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences covers.

Course introduction

Course introduction

Introduction by course director Dr Fu Siong Ng

 Course director Dr Fu Siong Ng provides an overview of what the intercalated BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences covers.

More about the research projects from Dr Birdsey

Research projects

Find out more about the research projects from Dr Graeme Birdsey

Dr Graeme Birdsey, Deputy Director of the intercalated BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences, explains how students on the course are able to carry out a research project in cutting-edge research being undertaken at Imperial.

Meet student Taesoon

Meet Taesoon

Find out how Taesoon has found the course

Taesoon is an external student from the University of Liverpool on the intercalated BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences at Imperial.

Meet student Rachel

Meet Rachel

Find out why Rachel chose Imperial

Rachel is an external student from the University of Manchester on the intercalated BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences at Imperial.

Meet student Sharan

Meet Sharan

Find out what Sharan likes most about the course

Sharan is a fourth year medical student at Imperial on the intercalated BSc in Cardiovascular Sciences.

Programme structure

The programme will comprise a 12-week teaching block (Module 1) where students will gain specialism-specific knowledge and skills, alongside your research training of core research knowledge and skills. This is followed by a 5-week block for self-directed learning, focusing on appraising the literature and on clinical case studies. There is then a 14-week research project.

Module 1 (12 weeks): 

  • Block 1: The Science of Vascular Disease
  • Block 2: The Science of Congenital Heart Disease and Arrhythmia
  • Block 3: The Science of Heart Failure

Module 2 (5 weeks):  Self-directed learning, independent & group work, clinical case study

Module 3 (14 weeks):  Research project


Module 1 - Block 1

Module 1: Block 1 - The Science of Vascular Disease

Aims and Content

  • To introduce students to the range of physiological functions performed by the vasculature.
  • To understand normal vascular biology and its derangement in disease, with emphasis on atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary artery disease.
  • To understand the basic pharmacology of the cardiovascular system, including cellular and molecular aspects of vascular function.
  • To discuss the epidemiology of vascular disease, preventive strategies and novel treatments.
  • To introduce a range of surgical approaches on coronary artery disease.

Academics teaching on the module include: Prof Anna Randi, Prof Costanza Emmanueli, Prof Peter Sever, Dr Graeme BirdseyDr Rasha Al-Lamee


This is a one-year intercalated BSc. To be eligible to apply you must:

  • Be registered on a recognised Medical, Dental or Veterinary course at a UK or Irish university or at one of our recognised International Partner institutions.
  • Have completed at least one year of that course before you apply to Imperial. i.e. you must be at least in Year 2 in 2024/25.
  • Have at least one year of your degree left when you return to your home institution after completing your intercalated BSc.

Application Process

The application process for 2025-26 entry is now closed. The application process for 2026-27 will open in October 2025.

Selection is based on your application form and the supporting documents you will upload with your application. Please find further information about the application process in the Imperial College London Intercalated BSc Guide for 2025-26 (PDF)

The BSc Cardiovascular Sciences with will run from Monday 22 September 2025 until Friday 22 May 2026. The term dates can be found in the Provisional BSc Dates and Course Structure 2025-26 (PDF)

If you have any queries about the application process, please email the Faculty Education Office (BSc Team) at

Second Round of Applications

Unsuccessful or wait-listed applicants will be given the opportunity to make a second round application to any BSc course with space remaining.