Welcome to your Intercalated BSc at Imperial

Contact us

BSc Programmes Team:


For BSc course-specific queries please contact your BSc Pathway Administrators

Enrol for the 2024/25 academic year (available from late August)BSc Term Dates

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Imperial for the 2024-25 academic year. This Induction Hub contains useful information to help you prepare for life at Imperial.

Welcome message from the School of Medicine Student Union president

Hi everyone! Congratulations on getting a place at Imperial College School Medicine (ICSM) for your intercalated BSc. I’m sure you’ll have a great year with us, from studying to making new friends. We’re a very welcoming community so I would encourage you to try and get involved as much as possible! Our sports, arts, volunteering and academic societies are active throughout the year and joining is a great way to meet other members of ICSM who can give you some tips and tricks. It can be intimidating joining a new university for a year, so the Students’ Union welfare team and the School of Medicine Faculty Education Office Welfare Team are always available if you need them. If you ever have any queries, feel free to contact us and find out more about what we do on the School of Medicine Student Union website. 

 Starting your BSc at Imperial


Please read this important information about preparing to start your intercalated BSc at Imperial. 

Useful information

BSc Modules and Assessment

Module 1

BSc Induction morning

Monday 23 September (AM)

Module 1 – Taught Component

Monday 23 September – Friday 13 December (12 weeks)

  • In this module, you will gain BSc specialism-specific knowledge and skills.
  • The module is split into three 4-week blocks. Three weeks of each block will be face to face teaching and the fourth week of each block will be a consolidation week.
  • Face-to-face teaching will be supplemented by online teaching materials in a flipped classroom approach, allowing you to practise critical questioning and thinking.
  • The consolidation weeks give you the opportunity to pause, reflect, revise, prepare, undertake in-course assessment tasks, and receive feedback.


Meet the Team

We are the central BSc team and we work across all intercalated BScs at Imperial. In addition, you will have a Course Director, Course Administrator, and Module Leads who are specific to your BSc course. You can find out more about your BSc course team on the BSc course web page

Your BSc team

Paula Fortune

Paula Fortune
BSc Programme Officer

Janice Pires

Janice Pires
BSc Programme Administrator

Campus information

Each of the different BSc pathways will be based on a particular campus. PDF maps of each campus are available on the Imperial website. Below is a list of our main teaching campuses and which pathways are based on which campus.

Your Student Welfare

Personal tutors

You will be allocated a Personal Tutor when you join Imperial. The role of a Personal Tutor is to provide support to students. Academically, this can involve reviewing assessments and other feedback, providing career advice and writing references. Pastorally, your Personal Tutor should be your first line of approach for guidance and advice if you are experiencing any personal issues or problems affecting your studies. You will be invited to meet with your Tutor each term. 

Senior tutors

All students have access to a Senior Tutor who is available to provide confidential support with any serious welfare concerns. The Senior Tutor can also make referrals for you to the Health CentreOccupational Health and the Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service.

Senior Welfare Tutors

Dr Roshni Patel - BSc senior Welfare Tutor (A-H)

Dr Roshni Patel - BSc senior Welfare Tutor (A-H)

Dr Louise Fleming - BSc Senior Welfare Tutor (I-Z)

Dr Louise Fleming - BSc Senior Welfare Tutor (I-Z)

Further useful information