Sperm and egg

Learn more about BSc Reproductive and Developmental Sciences

Key Information

Start Date:

Monday 22nd September 2025


Hammersmith Hospital Campus

Course Spaces:

10 places for non-Imperial students


The BSc in Medical Sciences with Reproductive and Developmental Sciences is designed to provide a thorough understanding of human reproductive and developmental biology. The programme has a strong emphasis on research and aims to create clinicians and academics with the ability to interpret and inform best practice. Topics covered include:

  • Reproduction and early pregnancy
  • Fertility and assisted conception
  • Complications in pregnancy
  • Reproductive cancers
  • Paediatric disease and allergies

This programme will take students through a research journey, culminating in a 15-week research project. It will enable students to grow into competent clinicians and clinical researchers that could lead to postgraduate research studies.

Course Structure and Term Dates

The programme is comprised of three modules. Module 1 is a 12-week teaching block where the students gain specialism-specific knowledge and skills, alongside their core research training. Module 2 involves self-directed learning, including a group literature review and clinical case study. In Module 3 students undertake a 15-week research project.

The Reproductive and Developmental Sciences term dates can be found in the downloadable 

Course structure and term dates

Module 1

Module 1 - The Taught Module

Module 1 is a 12-week teaching block. Students will receive interactive, engaging sessions from leading experts in the field of reproductive and developmental research. Topics covered in this module include:

  • The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axes
  • Ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancers
  • Ovulation, spermatogeneis and embryonic development
  • Fertility, PCOS and IVF
  • Human pregnancy and its major complications
  • Paediatric diseases, including tuberculosis, meningitis and COVID-19
  • Paediatric allergy and prevention

Module 1 Assessment

Module 1 is assessed via three pieces of in-course assessment which account for 30% of the overall BSc mark:

Written Task (15% of Module 1)
Students will write a 1,000-word 'Letter to the Editor' article which will address topical or controversial area of reproductive research.

Oral Task (15% of Module 1)
Students will give a 10-minute presentation critically evaluating an area of reproductive and developmental science followed by 5-minutes of questions from assessors.

Data Management and Interpretation (70% of Module 1)
Students will undertake laboratory research and produce a results compendium analysing and interpreting the data, along with a scientific abstract and a lay summary.

How is this Module Taught?

Module 1 provides a blend of face to face teaching on campus, lab work and online teaching. We aim to make our teaching as interactive as possible to promote student engagement and cohort building.

The module includes 3 consolidation weeks without teaching, where students can work on assessments, associated self-directed learning, on-line modules and group work. The consolidation weeks will also provide an opportunity to meet with the Course Lead to discuss progress, issues and receive feedback on course work and progression.

Meet the Team

Celia Duncan

Celia Duncan
Course Administrator

Student Support

Students chattingWe know that joining a new university can be daunting so we will do all we can to make you feel welcome at Imperial and help you to integrate within your cohort.

Our Imperial School of Medicine Student Union (ICSMSU) run fantastic welcome events for new intercalating students and the Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Team will run activities to help support students in getting to know one another. We also run a BSc Buddy Scheme which you can join to be matched with internal Imperial students on your BSc or on one of our other iBScs.

Each student will also be assigned an Academic Tutor who can support on both academic and pastoral matters throughout the BSc. We have a wide range of student support provisions, systems and services designed to assist you throughout your studies. Please find further information in the Imperial Student Support Zone