
Course Administrator

Abid Ahmed


Main teaching campus

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This BSc in Medical Sciences in Surgical Design, Technology and Innovation will allow you to explore the development of new surgical devices, how these are safely introduced into clinical practice and the challenges of implementing experimental or disruptive technologies in the clinical setting. You will be presented with an opportunity to meet surgical innovators from several specialities and learn the steps (and miss steps) that have led to the successful progress of ideas from identifying a clinical need, to innovation, commercialisation and adoption.

Recent advances in these fields, alongside a more informed patient population, has led to an exponential increase in the demand for personalised healthcare. You will have the opportunity to explore new technologies and treatments that offer the potential to drive forward personalised surgical treatments to transform patient outcome measures. 

Find out more about the modules and teaching delivery in the Surgical Design, Technology and Innovation Course Guide (PDF)

Aims and Objectives

  • Explain how surgical devices are developed from concept to prototyping, and through to clinical testing and full clinical translation outlining potential pitfalls and points of failure
  • Examine the challenges of implementing new surgical techniques and the processes necessary for these to be introduced safely into clinical practice
  • Explain how analysis of long term patient outcome data can lead to improved or personalised treatments for surgical patients.
  • Critically appraise literature, synthesise current evidence and opinion, and identify evidence gaps in your subject area
  • Identify and describe the characteristics and rationale of different research methodologies: Eg: quantitative/qualitative, observational/experimental
  • Evaluate applicability of different research methodologies to answer research questions
  • Organise and analyse data, justifying selection of the approaches used
  • Explain results in a descriptive and inferential manner and articulate objective conclusions
  • Communicate scientific concepts, in writing and in speech, for a range of audiences eg: academic and lay writing and presentation.


This is a one-year intercalated BSc. To be eligible to apply you must:

  • Be registered on a recognised Medical, Dental or Veterinary course at a UK or Irish university or at one of our recognised International Partner institutions.
  • Have completed at least one year of that course before you apply to Imperial. i.e. you must be at least in Year 2 in 2024/25.
  • Have at least one year of your degree left when you return to your home institution after completing your intercalated BSc.

Application Process

The application process for 2025-26 entry is now closed. The application process for 2026-27 will open in October 2025.

Selection is based on your application form and the supporting documents you will upload with your application. Please find further information about the application process in the  Imperial College London Intercalated BSc Guide for 2025-26 (PDF).

The BSc Surgical Design, Technology and Innovation will run from Monday 22 September 2025 until Friday 22 May 2026. The term dates can be found in the  Provisional BSc Dates and Course Structure 2025-26 (PDF).

If you have any queries about the application process, please email the Faculty Education Office (BSc Team) at feo.bsc@imperial.ac.uk.

Second Round of Applications

Unsuccessful or wait-listed applicants will be given the opportunity to make a second round application to any BSc course with space remaining.

Course Structure

The BSc in Medical Sciences in Surgical Design, Technology and Innovation will run from Monday 22 September 2025 until Friday 22 May 2026. The term dates can be found in the Provisional BSc Dates and Course Structure 2025-26 (PDF).

The course is comprised of three modules:

  • A 12-week teaching block where students gain specialism-specific knowledge and skills, alongside their core research training
  • A 5-week self-directed learning block involving a clinical case study and group work
  • A 14-week supervised research project