Student in South Kensington

Welcome to the School of Medicine Virtual Open Day webpage for our MBBS/BSc programme. We have compiled these resources to help you make an informed choice about your next steps, and to see whether Imperial is the right place for you and, more specifically, if our School of Medicine is the community you would like to join. 

We also collated frequently asked questions during previous Open Days. If you cannot find the answers to your questions there, please do not hesitate to contact us at

If you are looking for more information on the in-person Open Days and wish to book a session, please refer to the Open Day webpage

Virtual Open Day

Open Days

Keep up-to-date with all Open days' dates on this page.

Your take-home resources

We have created a platform for you to find all the relevant information from both our in-person and virtual Open Days. Access the platform here.

Why Imperial College School of Medicine?

We are part of a diverse world-class institutionImperial College London's Faculty of Medicine is ranked fourth in the UK and ranked 10th globally for clinical, pre-clinical and health, according to the Times Higher Education World University rankings (2020). The School of Medicine champions diversity and inclusivity amongst our communities.
We deliver a high quality of educationThrough a range of innovative and traditional teaching methods, we deliver our course to best fit the global challenges and what the role of the doctor will be. The emphasis of our evolved MBBS programme is on the development of Professional Values and Behaviours, Professional skills, and Professional Knowledge, in line with the GMC’s recently published Outcomes for Graduates (2018). 
We focus on patient contact throughout your degreeTeaching is complemented by case-based learning and early exposure to patient care in a variety of health community settings. 
We offer you a dual qualificationStudents on the six-year undergraduate programme obtain a BSc in addition to their MBBS. Our BSc programmes span a broad range of topics including Global Health, Remote Medicine, Neuroscience & Mental Health, Management and Biomedical Engineering. 
We know Science. You will have access to teaching with a strong scientific emphasis throughout your programme. Consequently, you will develop skills in research techniques and methodology and an ability to apply evidence-based medicine wherever you practise. We are training the physicians of the future 


The new Imperial College School of Medicine curriculum, which was launched in 2019-2020, has been designed to meet the emerging demands on healthcare systems, and the changing pattern of evidence-based medical education. You will to develop your clinical skills during situational learning in healthcare settings and case-based learning. You will learn within a diverse community in our unique range of affiliated university hospitals, primary care providers and community services across North West London.

During the first three years (Phase One) of the MBBS, we teach an integrative model of biomedical science and clinical medicine, with a strong research focus that is underpinned by our world-class research. Your education will be based on local and national healthcare needs, instilling a sense of social responsibility that is pivotal in learning to respond to global healthcare challenges. 

During Phase Two, you will work towards your BSc by completing a series of modules and a supervised research project in a scientific/medical subject of your choice.  This gives you the chance to develop your scientific knowledge and research skills, as well as expose you to research and researchers at the cutting edge of the field. 

In Phase Three, you will build on the knowledge, skills and behaviours developed in the first four years of the MBBS. In hospital and community settings, you will experience how clinical teams work together to deliver patient care from beginning to the end of life. Throughout Phase Three, significant emphasis will be placed on preparing you for clinical practice. 


Admissions Selection Process

Admission to the medicine programme at Imperial is highly competitive. We receive well over 4,000 applications for entry, and interview about 1000 candidates – making approximately 720 offers. 

We use a range of criteria to assess candidates. Candidates must meet the minimum academic requirements and have high marks for the UCAT to be invited to interview. Have a look at the timeline of our admission process. 

Our candidate selection criteria are varied:

  • Motivation and realistic approach to medicine as a career 
  • Capacity to deal with stressful situations 
  • Evidence of commitment to the values of the NHS constitution 
  • Evidence of working as both a leader and a team member 
  • Ability to multitask 
  • Empathetic understanding 
  • Likely contribution to university life 
  • Communication skills and maturity of character 

The School of Medicine will support the development of your Professional Values and Behaviours, but we will be looking for these during our Admissions selection process:

  • Compassionate: Patient-centred, empathetic and effective respectful communicators 
  • Resilient: Self-aware and reflective, with an understanding of their own limits 
  • Responsible: Cognisant of their role in the multidisciplinary team and of their duty to disclose concerns about themselves and others  
  • Non-discriminatory: Recognises and celebrates diversity  
  • Responsive: Manages ambiguity and makes decisions on the basis of incomplete data 
  • Well rounded: Engages with extracurricular activities that enrich and broaden their horizons 

What are our Entry Requirements?

You can find all our entry requirements in details on the MBBS prospectus.

Our typical A-level Offer: A*AA to include an A* in either Biology or Chemistry. We have no GCSE requirements.

Our typical International Baccalaureate: 39 points overall, usually to include a 7 in Biology or Chemistry at higher level.

Remember, all candidates must take the UCAT– you can find out more about UCAT by visiting our UCAT resources page here.

You can find all our entry requirements in details on the MBBS prospectus.

Our typical A-level Offer: A*AA to include an A* in either Biology or Chemistry. We have no GCSE requirements.

Our typical International Baccalaureate: 39 points overall, usually to include a 7 in Biology or Chemistry at higher level.

Remember, all candidates must take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) For detailed information on UCAT, please visit their website. Additionally, you can explore our UCAT resources page for further guidance.

Each year, we aim to admit students who can make their own unique contribution to our learning community. Achieving this means looking beyond purely academic achievements and considering the performance of each applicant in context during the admissions process – taking into account factors such as their economic, social and education background. 

The School of Medicine invites applicants to interview on the basis of predicted grades and UCAT scores. Widening participation applicants with predicted grades of AAA (including Chemistry and Biology) at A-level or equivalent will be considered on the basis of a contextualised BMAT score. All Widening participation applicants who meet the minimum score will be invited to interview. Successful widening participation applicants at interview will receive a contextual offer of AAA at A-level or an equivalent level qualification, including Chemistry and Biology.

Check out the video with our Widening Participation Admissions Tutor in the playlist above for more information.





Haider introduces Imperial College School of Medicine Student Union

Your dedicated School of Medicine Students' Union

One of the most amazing things about School of Medicine is the bespoke Student Union – you get access to a dedicated Student Union focused on the needs of students within the School of Medicine, with student officers elected by you to work with the Faculty and College to make positive change to your student experience.

This builds a clear camaraderie and closeness amongst our students. We have a thriving community full of amazing clubs or societies for everyone to find their niche. There is a phenomenal level of peer-to-peer support, especially with education, where we have several academic societies organising phenomenally useful tutorials, lecture series and mock exams.  

Student Experience and our Community

A significant aspect of the Medicine programme is the sense of community amongst our students and faculty members. Even in times of unprecented crisis, the School of Medicine community comes together. Throughout COVID-19, faculty, students and administrative staff have continued (and continue) to work tirelessly to ensure the best for ICSM students.

We're Still Here!

School of Medicine staff are still here working to support you

At the School of Medicine, we take your wellbeing support extremely seriously. From day one of the course, you will be allocated to a tutor who will be your point of contact  for academic and wellbeing support.  Meeting in small tutor groups and on a one-to-one basis, they will work with you to hone key skills which will allow you to perform at the best of your ability – through reinforcing study skills teaching, reviewing your academic performance and checking in on your wellbeing, and being someone who is interested in youAll of our tutors have a passion for mentoring and coaching  and have many years of experience, so you are in safe hands.

 As you move through the phases of the curriculum, the type of tutor you need can change. Our tutoring system reflects this, and we ensure that your tutors are the best fit for where you are on the course. 

We know that sometimes circumstances beyond our control happen, you can get ill, financial problems occur or you hit a crisis, in these situations, the School has a team of Senior Tutors who support students going through these more complex stages.  Acting confidentially, the Senior Tutor and the Welfare team are advocates for you, making the reasonable adjustments you need a reality. 

The School of Medicine invests highly in your student experience. We work with your student-elected reps (for both academia and wellbeing) to hear the student voice – your concerns, your successes and what you want the course to be, have or do. We work on regular wellbeing campaigns and support many student-led initiatives. 

Imperial College prioritises looking after its students, and the Student Support Zone  is your first resource for success.

Top tips for your medical school interview

By Ayolola Eni-Olotu, final year medical student


Medical school interviews can vary from university to university and change over time but one thing stays the same – they seem incredibly daunting! However, relatively stress-free success is possible, so here are 5 top tips for smashing your medical school interview.

  1. Be confident – the fact that you’ve even received an invitation to be interviewed means you’re a strong applicant, and it’s already clear that you have a lot to offer. Remember that they essentially already want to offer you a place and are creating an opportunity to get to know you better, so let your application shine through!

  2. Answer the question you’ve been asked, not the question you wish you were asked – for medical school interviews especially, people tend to anticipate specific questions and rehearse their answers, which is not necessarily a bad strategy. However, when people ask you a specific question, they are giving you the opportunity to demonstrate specific strengths and assets (as well as listening skills), so make sure you use this opportunity properly.

  3. Where appropriate, have a structure for your answer. This may include signposting the structure (for example, stating that you’ll be making three key points) or using a specific framework such as STARR (situation, task, action, result, reflection) while speaking about previous experiences. Having a structured answer helps the interviewer follow what you’re saying, and know what to listen out for. It can also help you keep track of what you’re saying, which can prevent feeling frazzled and overwhelmed.

  4. Answer as yourself – again, the medical interview is a chance for your future medical school to get to know you. By relating questions to your personal experiences and traits, explaining why medical school at Imperial would be right for you and how you would be valuable to the medical profession, you show that your application is thoughtful and make it easier to justify a successful application. Remember this includes tailoring your answers both to yourself and to the College, so background reading is essential!

  5. Try to relax afterwards! Medical school applications take a lot of time and effort, and interviews often feel like the culmination of all of that. Going through with the interview is a huge achievement in and of itself so take some time to acknowledge that and pat yourself on the back.

Good luck, and we’d love to have you join us at Imperial!