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Journal articleStagg AJ, Hart AL, Knight SC, et al., 2003,
The dendritic cell: its role in intestinal inflammation and relationship with gut bacteria
, GUT, Vol: 52, Pages: 1522-1529, ISSN: 0017-5749- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 183
Conference paperHart AL, Kamm MA, Knight SC, et al., 2003,
The maturation and cytokine expression of human dendritic cells are differentially modulated by probiotic bacteria
, Annual meeting of the British-Society-of-Gastroenterology, Publisher: BRITISH MED JOURNAL PUBL GROUP, Pages: A56-A57, ISSN: 0017-5749 -
Journal articleHart AL, Rigby R, Stagg AJ, et al., 2002,
Probiotic bacteria stimulate natural killer (NK) cell activation and cytokine production, an early step in innate immunity
, GUT, Vol: 50, Pages: A69-A69, ISSN: 0017-5749 -
Journal articleHart AL, Rigby R, Jones A, et al., 2002,
Circulating mucosal homing (β7+) memory T cells are decreased in number and display altered cytokine production in Crohn's disease
, GUT, Vol: 50, Pages: A74-A74, ISSN: 0017-5749 -
Journal articleRigby RJ, Hart AL, Westcott EDA, et al., 2002,
Identification of possible gut homing dendritic cells in peripheral blood by expression of B7 integrin
, GUT, Vol: 50, Pages: A67-A67, ISSN: 0017-5749 -
Journal articleHart AL, Stagg AJ, Rigby R, et al., 2002,
Streptococcus faecium, a possible probiotic bacterium, but not Lactobacillus acidophilus or Escherichia coli (Nissle), decreases proinflammatory cytokine production (IFN-Γ) by an IL-10 dependent mechanism
, GUT, Vol: 50, Pages: A67-A67, ISSN: 0017-5749 -
Journal articleRigby R, Kamm MA, Knight SC, et al., 2002,
Pathogenic bacteria stimulate colonic dendritic cells to produce pro-inflammatory IL-12 while the response to probiotic bacteria is to produce anti-inflammatory IL-10
, GUT, Vol: 50, Pages: A70-A70, ISSN: 0017-5749- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 3
Journal articlePatterson S, English NR, Longhurst H, et al., 2001,
Relationship between V3 sequences of HIV type 1 from plasma, T cells, and dendritic cells suggests that plasma virus may arise from different cell sources
, AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES, Vol: 17, Pages: 179-184, ISSN: 0889-2229- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 3
Journal articleKelleher P, Maroof A, Knight SC, 1999,
Retrovirally induced switch from production of IL-12 to IL-4 in dendritic cells
, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, Vol: 29, Pages: 2309-2318, ISSN: 0014-2980- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 42
Journal articlePatterson S, Robinson SP, English NR, et al., 1999,
Subpopulations of peripheral blood dendritic cells show differential susceptibility to infection with a lymphotropic strain of HIV-1
, IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol: 66, Pages: 111-116, ISSN: 0165-2478- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 22
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