The environment and health of the developing gametes and embryos impact on the health of the future child and adult."
Dr Véronique Azuara
Head of Section
The Section of Reproductive BioMedicine comprises a group of internationally recognised experts in stem cell biology, ovarian physiology and in basic and clinical reproductive endocrinology. The common goal is to enhance our knowledge of the conditions that provide the best chance of a healthy capacity for reproduction and the implications of that for long term health.
Our section works on three integrated and overlapping areas; the specification and development of gametes (eggs and sperm) and their supporting somatic cells, the impact of the hormonal environment on oocyte development, and the differentiation of cell lineages in the pre-implantation and early implanting embryo. A variety of models are used for these studies, including human and mouse embryonic stem cells, human and mouse ovarian tissue as well as discarded supporting cells following oocyte retrieval during IVF.
All the members of our section play key roles in the MSc Reproductive and Developmental Biology contributing lectures, workshops and training in a wide variety of scientific skills, as well as being involved in student assessment. Professor Kate Hardy, Dr Véronique Azuara and Dr Andy Childs are Module Leads and Professor Stephen Franks is Chair of the Examiners. In addition, our section contributes to the intercalated BSc in Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, with Dr Véronique Azuara and Dr Aylin Hanyaloglu being Module Leads.
Head of Section of Gonadal & Developmental Biology
Key research areas, studies and trials
- Ovarian Physiology and Dysfunction
- Conception and Reproductive Health
- Receptor Signalling
- Stem Cells
- Cellular Imaging
Degree Programme
Clinical Trial DAISy-PCOS Phenome Study (funded by Wellcome Trust): a large scale UK, systems-based study of the impact of androgen excess on metabolic phenotype of PCOS involving centres at Birmingham, Imperial, Edinburgh, Barts & London Trust, Leeds, Cambridge, Cardiff and Warwick. Lead investigator Prof Wiebke Arlt (Birmingham). Imperial College RDB Lead Professor Stephen Franks
- Clinical Trial Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (funded by Moulton Charity): Lead investigator Dr Alex Miras

Section leadership
Head of Gonadal & Developmental Biology
Dr Véronique Azuara research interests include how cell potency and differentiation are critically balanced in stem cells and in the developing embryo. In the context of the early mammalian embryo this implies unravelling how cell heterogeneity arises, and how pluripotency is achieved and safeguarded while promoting the formation of extra-embryonic tissues.
Research group leads

Dr Véronique Azuara
Dr Véronique Azuara’s group studies the epigenetic, transcriptional, cellular and metabolic mechanisms that underlie pluripotency and lineage choice. Combining in vivo studies with innovative 3D stem cell models, they investigate the principles and factors that maintain and fine-tune the pluripotent state towards differentiation, and how these modulations essentially link to metabolic switches in the peri-implantation embryos. Decoding these fundamental processes will help advancing our understanding and treatment of infertility and developmental disorders.

Professor Stephen Franks
Professor Stephen Franks is an endocrinologist with a special interest in disorders of ovarian function. His major research focus is on the very common endocrine disorder of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is not only an important cause of infertility but also has an impact on long term health, including increased risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, anxiety and depression. His research on PCOS embraces study of aberrant ovarian function (with Kate Hardy), understanding the genetic basis of the syndrome (he is a founder member of the Steering Group of the international consortium for research in genetics of PCOS) and epidemiological studies of the North Finland Birth Cohort in collaboration with Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin and the University of Oulu. He is also a long-term advisor for Verity, the national, PCOS patient support group.

Dr Wei Cui
Dr Wei Cui’s research group mainly focuses on utilising human pluripotent stem cells as a cell model to explore the molecular mechanisms that control the early human embryonic cell fates. They are also interested in applying this knowledge for the understanding of signalling network, early human embryonic development and disorders.

Dr Roberta Migale
Dr Roberta Migale is an Honorary Research Fellow based in the Section of Gonadal & Developmental Biology.

Mr Raj Rai
Mr Raj Rai is an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer based in the Section of Gonadal & Developmental Biology. His main research interests lie in (a) the relationship between antiphospholipid antibodies and other haemostatic abnormalities, recurrent miscarriage and later pregnancy complications; (b) immune disturbance in pregnancy failure and (c) surgical correction of both congenital and acquired uterine defects and pregnancy loss.
Please forward sectional enquiries to Kiran Dosanjh
Email: k.dosanjh@imperial.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 207 594 2176