Jess Govey-Scotland

Jess Govey-Scotland

My name is Jessica Govey-Scotland and I studied Chemistry as an undergraduate at the University of Kent, in Canterbury. During my final year as an undergraduate, I conducted a computational research project that used mesoscale theory to model surfactant-water interfaces. Based on MS MARTINI coarse grained molecular dynamics, I investigated the structural modifications needed to lower the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant, sodium laureth sulphate, for improved surfactant efficiency. Through completing this research project, I developed a growing interest in molecular modelling and optimisation of processes and found the Molecular Engineering MRes at IMSE to be a perfect fit. I believe this MRes will expose me to new ways of measuring and improving the performance of a variety of materials and upon completing this MRes, I hope to explore opportunities within research and development to increase my scientific expertise. 

Being of Caribbean decent, hair is a huge part of my culture and therefore I am constantly testing a variety of curly hair care products and routines in my free time. Given the opportunity, I also enjoy travelling and experiencing all the food and cultures the world has to offer.