Registration for MSSC2024 is now open. 



Friday 14 June  - Decision made about bursary applications

A limited number of bursaries will be made available to students attending MSSC2024. These will consist of waiving registration fees for the conference. Bursaries will not cover accommodation during MSSC2024 or travel costs. If you would like to apply for a bursary please forward the two documents below to Dr Giuseppe Mallia:

  1. A letter from yourself justifying your requirements for a bursary.
  2. A letter of support for your bursary application from your supervisor

The funds available for bursaries will be divided amongst successful applicants following the deadline for applications on Friday 14 June.


Workshop Registration

The registration fees in operation for MSSC2024 are:

  • EARLY BIRD Registration (in-person) - £550 Friday 6 September - Deadline for payment of early bird fees
  • EARLY BIRD Registration (on-line) - £75 Friday 6 September - Deadline for payment of early bird fees
  • STANDARD Registration  (in-person) - £800 Friday 13 September - Deadline for payment of standard fees
  • STANDARD Registration  (on-line) - £150 Friday 13 September - Deadline for payment of standard fees

The in-person fee covers coffee-breaks, buffet lunch and social dinner on Wed.  Both in-person and on-line fee cover the teaching materials (pdf). 

Failure to pay registration fees by the designated date may result in your place at MSSC2024 being withdrawn.

Registration Form

After submitting the registration form, we will email you with the payments details within 2 working days. If you don't receive an email, please contact 


Once payments have been made, we cannot offer any refund for the Registration Fee. Also, NO payment will be accepted at the event.
