A student in the Brain Bank lab

The Imperial MRC Supplement Scheme was set up using block funding from the Medical Research Council (MRC). This replaced a number of bespoke schemes previously made available to the students they fund. This scheme is run for the benefit of Imperial MRC students and helps fund a wide range of research and training activities.

Examples of how the awards have been used are available on the awardee profiles page.

Areas of funding

Imperial MRC-funded students may apply to one or more of the funds below:

Fund Description
Internships and Placements Internships or placements
High Cost Training Recognised areas of strategic need such as bioinformatics, advanced in vivo training or imaging
Exceptional Training Opportunity Overseas fieldwork or training in new advanced research skills
In Vivo Strategic Skill Award Research training in advanced integrative mammalian biology
Industry Training Training with industry or at the interdisciplinary interface
Outreach Participation in outreach activities
PhD to Postdoctoral Transition Laboratory visits or meetings aimed at obtaining postdoctoral positions

How to apply

Apply Now

  • Read the application form and ensure you have all the details to hand before applying.
  • Please apply at least 6 weeks prior to when the funds are required.
  • Internships and Placements applicants should factor in time to have an IoS approved, where required.

We may ask for additional information after receiving your application, and will require successful applicants to provide a brief report acknowledging MRC support.

Frequently asked questions

Am I eligible to apply for funding to the Imperial College MRC Supplement Scheme?

In order to be eligible, you must be currently funded by the MRC for studies leading to a PhD. All MRC-funded students registered at Imperial College may apply to the scheme.

How will a decision be made?

Your application will be assessed by an academic panel.

Can I apply more than once?

If you are eligible, there is no limit on the number of applications you can submit. Applications in more than one category can also be made simultaneously.

What is the maximum funding I can apply for?

For the purposes of the Internship or Placement category, this scheme is intended to provide stipend support at your current rate of no more than 3 months in duration. For all other categories, there is no maximum level, and awards up to 100% of the sum requested can be made.

For internships or placements, how do I apply for an Interruption of Studies (IoS)?

This scheme is intended to provide stipend support, at your current rate, for the purposes of internships and placements of no more than 3 months in duration. Ideally, this is best suited for students who are within writing-up status but prior to submission. Students who want to undertake an internship or placement within the first 36 months of their PhD studies, are advised to apply for an Interruption of Studies (IOS) once they have received a decision on their Supplement Scheme application.

Discover MultiSci

Find out if MultiSci is the right programme for you by watching a recording of a 2024 webinar and Q&A.


Successful MultiSci students will be supported by a tax-free stipend (currently £20,622 per annum) , paid tuition fees, an annual research training and support grant, a conference fund and access to the MRC Supplement Scheme to help fund a wide range of research and training activities.  See our FAQs page.

General enquiries

For enquiries about the the MultiSci DTP at Imperial College London, please contact:

FEO Postgrad Team