The NTU-Imperial Research Hub builds on decades of collaboration between the two universities in research, education, and innovation, including a joint research seed fund to kickstart ‘blue-skies’ research, and a joint education seed fund to encourage faculty and students to work together to develop new online experiential learning opportunities using digital technologies.

Imperial now has four formal NTU collaboration mechanisms in place, with several others, including a joint PhD programme, to launch soon:

Collaboration Mechanisms

From 19th – 23rd June 2023 Imperial College London will hold the 3rd trilateral Global Fellows Programme in partnership with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore). The programme will be hosted by NTU and take place in Singapore.

In the current scientific environment international collaborations and networking are fundamental to developing successful projects. In a competitive research environment funding bodies increasingly look for interdisciplinary, collaborative research with partners from around the world. The modern researcher requires both excellence in research and strong professional competencies.

Imperial and NTU have committed to build on the success of the joint Lee Kong Chiang medical school and develop a wider institutional partnership across research, education, and innovation. 

Building on the success of the NTU-Imperial Research Collaboration Fund, the partners have launched the second round of the education seed fund.  

The fund encourages projects that combine expertise and efforts across Imperial and NTU to jointly develop new teaching, learning and student experience opportunities. 

The Imperial - NTU Research Collaboration Fund aims to help kick-start early-stage, risky and ‘blue skies’ research ideas that might not otherwise be pursued. The Fund promotes and supports early-stage collaboration among academics, researchers and students at NTU and Imperial by facilitating exchange between participating research groups through provision of grants to cover travel, workshops, meetings, hackathons, networks and other activities to explore research directions.

The Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), a partnership between Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Imperial College London (Imperial) is training doctors who put patients at the centre of their exemplary care. The School, which offers both undergraduate and graduate programmes, is named after local philanthropist Tan Sri Dato Lee Kong Chian. Officially opened on 28 August 2017 by the then Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Mr Teo Chee Hean, LKCMedicine aims to be a model for innovative medical education and a centre for transformative research. The School’s primary clinical partner is the National Healthcare Group, a leader in public healthcare recognised for the quality of its medical expertise, facilities and teaching.