It is important that we are always open to learning from others. The Associate Dean for EDI (AD-EDI) has regular meetings with her equivalents in the other Faculties and the College’s Associate Provosts for EDI to share good practice. However, we also feel we can learn from colleagues outside Imperial. To this end we have put in place an External Advisory Board (EAB) to provide feedback on our approaches to support the EDI aims of FoNS and to share their specific experiences. The EAB members have expertise in all the disciplines within FoNS and come from different professional backgrounds. 

EAB members: 

  • Vincent Boyer, University of Birmingham 
  • Katherine Hubbard, University of Hull 
  • Julia Hunt 
  • Helen Wilson, University College London 
  • Baljit Thatti, Kingston University 

The  ToR of the EAB will be agreed with the EAB when we hold our first meeting (autumn 2024) and will be published on here shortly after that.  

After that we will hold one meeting per year with the EAB reporting on activities and asking for suggestions and feedback.