fish in tank with green label


A report (of about 4,000 words) should be submitted containing an extended literature review, an overview of progress to date and the overall plan of research.

This would normally be presented in the form of an Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results to- date (if any) and a brief Discussion. A plan for future experiments should also be presented. Assessment will be focused at ensuring the student has a clear understanding of their field and the direction of their project, rather than the amount of data produced. The report will be assessed by the 2 assessors (PRP) and also read/assessed by the primary PhD supervisor. A short (30 - 45 minutes) viva will take place. The PhD supervisor will not be present at the viva. Please check if your PRP would like you to make a brief (10-15mins) presentation.

If the assessors or the supervisor identify any issues which may need to be dealt with during the viva, they should inform the DPS who may wish to attend the viva as an observer or nominate another member of staff. If a student underperforms at this stage a re-assessment may take place in 6 weeks time. Whether a re-assessment will be offered will be decided by the DPS in consultation with the PRP and supervisor(s).

Three hard copies of the report must be submitted to the PRP and the student must send an electronic copy to the PGR administrator. You will meet with members of the PRP normally WITHIN ONE MONTH OF SUBMISSION. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to arrange this meeting.

Students will receive a written report detailing the PRP's views on their progress and in particular highlighting areas of their work, which need improving in year two. An electronic copy of the PRP's report should be sent to the Director of Postgraduate Studies (via the PGR administrator). It is particularly important that the supervisor should report immediately, in writing, to the DPS any student whose progress is unsatisfactory, and in all cases when termination of study is being considered. If a student underperforms at this stage, a decision will be made by the DPS in consultation with the PRP and supervisor(s) about whether a re-assessment may be offered in 6 weeks time.

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