The Agilent Penteon analyser is equipped with five lasers (UV 349nm, Violet 405nm, Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm and Red 637nm) and is capable of up to 30 detection channels (30 fluorescence channels, FSC and SSC). It is empowered by Silicon photomultipliers (SiPM), which are silicon-substrate-based semiconductor devices. A wide, 7-log dynamic range eliminates the need for routine detector adjustments

Scatter detection optics and signal processing electronics have been optimised to resolve particles down to 40 nm in size, making it ideal for platelet and bacteria analysis. The system is fully automated to design your experiment, load your samples in the dedicated rack (up to 40 tubes) and walk away while your samples are being run. Plate loading is available for 24-, 48-, 96-, and 384-well formats. It is also capable of performing absolute cell countings.

The data acquisition rate is a maximum of 70,000 events per second. We recommend a minimum sample volume of 300 µL.


  • Enhanced detection of smaller particles such as bacteria and platelets due to optimised scatter detection optics and signal processing electronics.
  • Increased availability of UV and Violet channels.
  • Wide, 7-log dynamic range eliminates the need for routine detector adjustments.
  • Accurate enumeration of particles without use of counting beads.
  • Walk-away operation to simplify your workday.

For more information, please read the NovoCyte Penteon - User Manual and Agilent website.

Download a complete configuration of Agilent Penteon Lasers and Filters. You can also find it below.

UV 349nm
Bandpass filter Parameter Fluorochrome
 445/45  UV445  BUV395, Hoescht 33342, DAPI, LD Blue
 525/45  UV525   BUV496 
 586/20  UV586  BUV563
 615/20  UV615  BUV615
 667/30  UV667  BUV661
 725/40   UV725  BUV737
 780/60  UV780  BUV805
Summary of the table's contents
Violet 405nm
Bandpass filter Parameter Fluorochrome
 445/45  V445  BV421, DAPI, Pacific Blue, V450, AF405 
 525/45  V525   BV510, Zombie/LD Aqua
 586/20  V586  BV570, Pacific Orange, LD Yellow
 615/20  V615  BV605, Qdot 605
 667/30  V667  BV650, Qdot 655
 725/40  V725  BV711, Qdot 705
 780/60  V780  BV786, Qdot 800
Summary of the table's contents
Blue 488nm
Bandpass filter Parameter Fluorochrome
 525/45  B525   FITC, AF488, GFP, BB515 
 586/20  B586   EYFP, LD Olive
 615/20  B615  BB630P, PI
 667/30  B667  Per-CP, BB660P2 
 695/40  B695  PerCP-Cy5.5, BB700
 725/40  B725  PerCP-eFluor 710
Summary of the table's contents
Yellow-Green 561nm
Bandpass filter Parameter Fluorochrome
 586/20  Y586  PE
 615/20  Y615  PE-TexasRed, mCherry, PE-Dazzle 594, PE-CF594, LD Orange
 667/30  Y667  PE-Cy5
 695/40  Y695  PE-Cy5.5
 725/40  Y725  PE-AF700
 780/60  Y780  PE-Cy7
Summary of the table's contents
Red 637nm
Bandpass filter Parameter Fluorochrome
 667/30  R667  APC, AF647
 695/40  R695  AF680
 725/40  R725  AF700
 780/60  R780  APC-Cy7, APC-H7, APC-Fire750, LDNIR780


Sir Alexander Fleming Building, 5th floor, Room 532.

The CellStream is available to any trained user 24 hours a day (subject to building access and regulations).