The Cytek Aurora Spectral Analyser is equipped with five lasers (UV 355nm, Violet 405nm, Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm and Red 640nm) and is capable of up to 67 detection channels (64 fluorescence channels, FSC, blue laser SSC, and violet laser SSC). It is empowered by Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing semiconductor detector arrays, enabling more efficient spectrum capture for dyes emitting in the 365-829 nm range. Previously incompatible dyes and/or fluorescent proteins, such as APC and AF647 or GFP and FITC, can be used together in the same sample.

Exceptional small particle detection (minimum of 0.2 µm) is enabled by violet laser scatter, narrow vertical beam height, and proprietary flat top laser design. HST or plate loading is available for 96- and 384-well formats and at a temperature range of 4-30°C. The data acquisition rate is 35,000 events per second. We recomend a minimum sample volume of 300 µL.

For more information, please read the Cytek Aurora Technical Specifications. Also refer to the Five Laser Fluorochrome Selection Guidelines for a detailed description of dyes with unique spectrum signatures.


Sir Alexander Fleming Building, 5th floor, Room 532.

The Aurora is available to any trained user 24 hours a day (subject to building access and regulations).