As a Department, we are committed to ensuring that our staff and students who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+) are supported and feel comfortable being as open as they wish to be during their time with us.

Our Department EDI Training policy includes the College LGBTQ+ awareness course as one of our recommended training courses for all staff. At the South Kensington campus gender neutral toilets are available, and many staff declare their preferred pronouns in their email signatures.

The College has a network, Imperial 600, for all LGBTQ+ staff, postgraduate students and their allies which holds events throughout the year and as part of LGBTQ+ History Month. Imperial 600 distributes rainbow lanyards for staff and students to visibly show their support for out LGBTQ+ staff and students. There are a number of resources available on the College website giving advice for all staff on how to be an LGBTQ+ ally, a bi ally and a trans ally.

Imperial College and the Department of Mathematics have a zero-tolerance approach to transphobia of any kind, as detailed in the College policy.

You can also find more support via IQ - Imperial's LGBTQ+ student-led society.

LGBTQIA+ in Maths student group

The student-led group LGBTQ+ in Maths focuses on developing a warm and inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ people within the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London, facilitating opportunities for maths students to connect with like-minded individuals and creating a supportive network within the department.

Support contacts in the Department

For support please get in touch with the team:


Adam Sykulski

Adam Sykulski

Heather Battey

Heather Battey

Sai Nathan

Sai Nathan