A past colloquim: people listening to a lecture at ImperialThe Departmental Colloquia series began in 2010. The purpose of the series is two fold: to hear from some of the world's leading mathematicians and statisticians, and to provide a forum for the department (faculty, research fellows, and postgraduate students) to meet.

There is usually a reception following the talk, with an opportunity to meet the speaker (pre-COVID19 arrangements).

Past Colloquia

Neil Ferguson (Imperial College)

Reflections on the role of epidemiological modelling in informing the response to COVID-19.

View details

Professor Trevor Hastie

Ridge Regularization: An Essential Concept in Data Science

11 February 2021

Find out more about Professor Hastie's talk

Prof Günter Ziegler

The Realization Space of the 24-Cell.

13 October 2021

Find out more about Prof Gunter Zieglerr's talk

Professor Maria J. Esteban

Flows, functional inequalities and spectral estimates

30 January 2020

Find out more about Professor Esteban's talk

Professor Benoît Perthame

PDEs for neural assemblies; models, analysis and behavior

5 March 2020

Find out more about Professor Perthame's talk

Professor Alessio Figalli

Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations

9 October 2019

Find out more about Professor Figalli's talk

Professor Hugo Duminil-Copin

Counting Self-Avoiding Walks on a Lattice, from Combinatorics to Physics

16 May 2019

Find out more about Professor Duminil-Copin's talk

Professor Russ Caflisch

Accelerated Simulation for Plasma Kinetics

14 May 2019

Find out more about Professor Caflisch's talk

Dr Edriss Titi

On Recent Advances of the 3D Euler Equations by Means of Examples

15 January 2019

Find out more about Dr Titi's talk

Dr Julia Wolf

The Structure of stale sets

08 February 2019

Find out more about Dr Wolf's talk

Professor Nancy Reid

In Praise of Small Data: Statistical and Data Science

20 March 2019

Find out more about Professor Reid's talk

      Statistical Models for Complex Extreme Events (Nelder Lecture)
     Thursday 9th March
     Further details including the abstract