This is a Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar, jointly run with the Theoretical Physics group.  The seminar is established to encourage collaboration across departments and discuss research.  Talks will be in areas of common interest and made accessible to both mathematicians and physicists. One of the featured areas of research is symplectic resolutions of singularities, a unifying theme which arise in moduli spaces of physical supersymmetric gauge theories and also in algebraic geometry and representation theory.  This includes quiver varieties and Coulomb branches, symplectic leaves, and geometric representation theory.

This term seminars will take place Wednesdays at noon.

For more information about the seminars, please contact one of the organisers: Travis Schedler or Amihay Hanany.

Our past seminars are uploaded in this Youtube playlist.

Past seminars

Decay and Fission of Orthosymplectic Quiver Gauge Theories

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Lorenzo Mansi (DESY).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Decay and Fission of Orthosymplectic Quiver Gauge Theories

Lorenzo Mansi – Decay and Fission of Orthosymplectic 3d N=4 Quiver Gauge Theories

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Lorenzo Mansi (DESY).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Duality involution on symplectic moduli spaces [1/2]

Ryo Yamagishi – Duality involution on symplectic moduli spaces [1/2]

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Ryo Yamagishi (Bath).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Duality involution on symplectic moduli spaces [2/2]

Ryo Yamagishi – Duality involution on symplectic moduli spaces [2/2]

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Ryo Yamagishi (Bath).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Gluing constructions for Coulomb branches

Ben Webster – Gluing constructions for Coulomb branches

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Ben Webster (Waterloo).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Weak-weak duality

Amihay Hanany – Weak-weak duality

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Amihay Hanany (Imperial).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Towards reductive generalisations of Kac’s polynomials

Masoud Kamgarpour – Towards reductive generalisations of Kac’s polynomials

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Masoud Kamgarpour (Brisbane).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Koszul Duality

Gwyn Bellamy – Koszul Duality on quantizations of bionic symplectic varieties [1/2]

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow).

Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series

Koszul Duality

Gwyn Bellamy – Koszul Duality on quantizations of bionic symplectic varieties [2/2]

This talk was given as part of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminar series in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The speaker is Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow).