Welcome to the Junior Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics (GATP) seminar, jointly organized by the mathematics and physics groups!

This seminar aims to encourage collaboration between PhD students in mathematics and physics.

This term, we will primarily focus on topics at the intersection of geometric representation theory and string theory. More broadly, we plan to explore various subjects in algebra, geometry, and quantum field theory from different perspectives.

The talks will primarily be delivered by PhD students and will mostly be expository in nature, but everyone is welcome to attend and participate! Indeed, this seminar serves as a junior version of the Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics seminars.

If you would like to give a talk or suggest a speaker please don’t hesitate to reach out to the organizers. If there's a subject you are curious about, let us know - we might be able to find someone willing to explain it!

To join the mailing list or for more information, please contact one of the organizers.

