Workshop dates
Workshop 2 - Lecturing Skills
Wednesday 20th November 2024 13:00-17:00
Wednesday 5th February 2025 13:00-17:00 (fully booked)
Wednesday 2nd April 2025 13:00-17:00
Wednesday 14th May 2025 13:00-17:00
Workshop 4 – Designing for Learning
Wednesday 11th December 2024 12:30-14:30 (fully booked)
Wednesday 26th February 2025 12:30-14:30
Wednesday 30th April 2025 12:30-14:30 (fully booked)
Wednesday 18th June 2025 12:30-14:30
To book a place, please email the LTDP Coordinator
The FoNS Learning and Teaching Development Programme (LTDP), in most cases, must be completed as a prerequisite for both probation and promotion for new lecturing staff (and in some cases those in the Learning and Teaching job family). An exemption may be agreed by the new staff member's department in certain circumstances for elements of the programme (for example, having prior demonstrable experience) or for the entire programme (for example, enrolment in the PG Cert in University Learning and Teaching offered via the EDU).
It is expected that the LTDP will normally be completed within 1-2 years of appointment.
The starting point for the programme is a meeting with the appropriate Director of Undergraduate Studies, or equivalent, (which constitutes FoNS Workshop 1 - see FoNS Workshops section below) who will assign an Academic Mentor (a senior member of the Department) and a Teaching Buddy (for example, an experienced colleague; this should not be someone still completing the LTDP); a participant's Academic Mentor and Teaching Buddy should not be the same person.
These individuals should be asked to undertake observations of your teaching sessions. The DUGS will also talk through and approve any exemptions, discuss options around the elective elements of the programme of workshops listed below, explain how to register for them and agree a timeline for the programme. They will complete and approve the exemption form (links below), which must then be sent to the LTDP Coordinator. An LTDP record cannot be created, nor registration for the FoNS workshops be completed, until the exemption form is received by the LTDP Coordinator.
FoNS LTDP Exemption Form - Pre-January 2025 - for those who joined the programme prior to January 2025.
FoNS LTDP Exemption Form - Post-January 2025 - for those who joined the programme from January 2025.
Please note, it is the participant’s responsibility to keep the Faculty (via the LTDP Coordinator) up-to-date with their progress, and if they believe they have completed the programme. The Faculty will not proactively check participants have completed the components.
We ask participants keep their own record using the exemption form, and inform the LTDP Coordinator after completing each of the components and when they believe they have completed the programme; the LTDP Coordinator will then verify this, and the participant will be sent their certificate of completion, and their department and HR informed. Participants should assume the LTDP is not complete unless they have received their certificate of completion.
Should you be interested in taking any of the FoNS-specific elements of the LTDP as a refresher (and you are not currently required to take the LTDP), please contact the LTDP Coordinator.
FoNS Workshops
You must complete these workshops in order (unless exempted):
1. FoNS LTDP Workshop 1 - Departmental Teaching Practices
Arrange with your Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUGS), or equivalent. For more information - FoNS LTDP Workshop 1 - Departmental Teaching Practices (PDF)
2. FoNS LTDP Workshop 2 - Lecturing Skills
Workshop with member of staff in the Faculty. For more information - FoNS LTDP Workshop 2 - Lecturing Skills (PDF)
3. FoNS LTDP Workshop 3 - Learning Technologies for Teaching
Completed online - you will be contacted about this after workshop 2. For more information - FoNS LTDP Workshop 3 – Learning Technologies for Teaching
4. FoNS LTDP Workshop 4 - Designing for Learning
Workshop with FoNS Vice-Dean (Education). For more information - FoNS LTDP Workshop 4 - Designing for Learning (PDF)
To book Workshops 2 or 4, please email the LTDP Coordinator.
EDU workshops
The Educational Development Unit (EDU) workshops required to be completed depends on when participants joined the programme, and this is subject to any exemptions. Please see your exemption form for details. A summary of what is usually required can be found in the table below.
Please note that not all EDU workshops are acceptable for the LTDP. Elective workshops selected must relate directly to your teaching practice. If in doubt, please contact the LTDP Coordinator.
Once completed, please email details of when you completed the EDU workshops to the LTDP Coordinator.
See also the EDU's advice for New Lecturers.
For those who joined the LTDP prior to January 2025 |
For those who joined the LTDP from January 2025 |
Fundamentals of Supervising PhD Students (From April 2022, new doctoral supervisors at Imperial are required to complete this course, therefore this cannot be exempted unless already completed or in cases where no doctoral supervision would be expected (for which confirmation would need to be provided)) |
Fundamentals of Supervising PhD Students (From April 2022, new doctoral supervisors at Imperial are required to complete this course, therefore this cannot be exempted unless already completed or in cases where no doctoral supervision would be expected (for which confirmation would need to be provided)) |
EDU Elective 1 |
EDU Elective 2 |
EDU Elective 1 |
EDU Elective 3 * |
EDU Elective 2 |
We also strongly recommend that participants complete the following EDU workshop, in preparation for the final element of the LTDP - the Advance HE Fellowship application: |
* We strongly recommend Introduction to Making Teaching More Inclusive is taken as an EDU elective workshop for those who joined the programme prior to January 2025.
Teaching Observations
Three observed sessions of your teaching should be monitored by the Academic Mentor and/or the Teaching Buddy.
The Observation Form can be downloaded here: FoNS LTDP Teaching Observation Form
Once completed, please email a copy of the form to your DUGS (or equivalent) cc'ing your observers and the LTDP Coordinator.
Advance HE Fellowship Recognition
The final component of the LTDP is the completion of the Advance HE Fellowship Recognition application (at the level of Fellow, D2), information on which can be found on the EDU webpages here.
You are strongly advised to attend a STAR Pre-submission Workshop. This will help you to assess whether your application is ready to be submitted for review.
Once finalised, the application form should be submitted via the Imperial STAR Framework webpage.
To complete the LTDP requirements:
- For those who commenced the LTDP prior to 01 September 2023, you will need to send a copy of the application and the submission confirmation email from STAR to the LTDP Coordinator for your LTDP records.
- For those who commenced the LTDP after 01 September 2023, you will need to send a copy of the application plus confirmation of the award of fellowship to the LTDP Coordinator for your LTDP records.
If you have questions please contact the LTDP Coordinator, or for Advance HE Fellowship queries, contact the EDU STAR team.
Faculty Education Team
The Faculty’s educational mission is led by the Vice-Dean (Education), Dr Mike Tennant, and the Director of Education and Student Experience, Rebecca Middleton.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact the LTDP Coordinator.