As long as government COVID-related guidance allows, the top teams selected in Stage 2 will have access to labs or other appropriate spaces and a budget (up to £1,500) to develop their project to a proof-of-concept stage over 8 weeks. There will also be bursaries available for each student team member to cover living costs over the summer.

On completion of their research, teams will submit a detailed summary of their findings and give a presentation of their project to our panel of VIP Judges at an event open to the public.

Hidden Gens Present

Key dates for FoNS-MAD 2025

Date Activity
May 2025 'Team Building' workshop offered to all team members
30 June - 22 August 2025 Teams are allocated appropriate space and budget and start their 8 week research placement
19 September 2025 Teams submit their final report
October/November 2025 Teams present their project to the VIP Judges at the Final Judging Event which will be open to an invited audience



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