Jujian ZhangStart date: 01-10-2021
Academic department: Mathematics
Title of research: Formalisation of Algebraic Geometry and Analytic Geometry
Academic supervisor: Professor Kevin Buzzard
Native country: China

How has the scholarship award enabled you to pursue your ambitions?

This Scholarship has helped greatly with my living expenses in London, so that I can focus on my research. Besides living expenses, this scholarship also provides dedicated funding for travelling, so that I will be able to attend seminars, conferences etc.

Why did you choose to study at Imperial?

The primary motivation for choosing Imperial is because my supervisor is the top expert in the area of formalising mathematics. He supervised my other formalisation project when I was studying my master's degree here. Moreover, all the clichés about Imperial College are true: beautiful campus, great location in a great city, abundant resources for everything – even the food in the cafés isn't bad!

What have you been up to on the programme so far?

I am currently reading and trying to understand Serre’s original paper and writing a blueprint for how the formalisation should be structured.

Schrödinger Scholarship Scheme