The Natural Sciences Research Showcase 2024 is hosting a poster competition in which a panel of experts will evaluate 12 posters presented by PhD students across our Faculty. The judges will be the Directors of Postgraduate Studies of the five FoNS departments or an academic representative.  They will decide two of the three award categories ('Best poster presenter' and the 'Runner-up poster presenter'), and Imperial staff and students will be able to contribute to the 'People's Choice Award' by submitting their vote online.

All members of Imperial College London are invited to vote for which poster they think should win. 

Posters will be on display on 26 September 2024 in SAFB 120-122 (South Kensington campus), and the PhD students will be presenting their posters between 12.30-13.40 (lunch will be provided). Imperial staff and students can vote, starting 9 September 2024. Votes will close on 26 September, 14.00. 

Prizes will be awarded at 17.30 on the day of the Natural Sciences Research Showcase. You can find out more on our event page.

 poster session






View the posters - you will need to log into your Box account with you Imperial username and password!

1.        Qi ZhongDepartment of Life Sciences

          Cryo-EM structure of a putative glycosyltransferase, ESAG3, from African trypanosome

2.       Serafima Davydova, Department of Life Sciences

         Development of self-limiting population control strategies for Tephritid pests

3.       Gregory Jones, Department of Life Sciences

         Harnessing enhanced rock weathering in forests for carbon dioxide removal

4.      Elsy Milan, Centre for Environmental Policy

        Conceptualising a novel policy framework for de-risking investment in CCUs and blue hydrogen for decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors

5.      Sanjeevani Panditharatne, Department of Physics

         Exploiting the sensitivity of far-infrared radiances to ice cloud properties: a test on aircraft observations

6.       James Herd, Department of Physics

         Testing the Standard Model using rare B-meson decays at LHCb

7.       Elizabeth Pasatembou, Department of Physics

         Probing the Universe with atomic clocks

8.      Ines Garcia-Redondo, Department of Mathematics

         On the limitations of fractal dimension as a measure of generalisation

9.      Bernat Bassols Cornudella, Department of Mathematics

         Conditioned stochastic stability of equilibrium states on repellers

10.     Joe Kaye, Department of Chemistry

          Machine guided optimisation of organic semiconductor films for light-activated antimicrobials and antiviral surfaces

11.     Hikaru Ishikura, Department of Chemistry

         Design elements for medicinal chemistry: synthetic approaches to gem-difluorocyclobutane building blocks

12.     Chao Zeng, Department of Chemistry

         The impact of ligand hydrophilicity on the interfacial thermal conductance of Janus nanoheaters