Imperial News

Prof. John Harries and Prof. David Southwood awarded a NASA's Distinguished Public Service Medal

Prof. John Harries and Prof. David Southwood have both been awarded independently a NASA's Distinguished Public Service Medal in July 2011.

Prof. John Harries and Prof. David Southwood have both been awarded independently a NASA's Distinguished Public Service Medal in July 2011.

Prof. John Harries was awarded a NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal "for distinguished public service in advancing knowledge of the Earth's atmosphere and climate change."

Prof. David Southwood was awarded a NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal "for innovative leadership of ESA-NASA cooperation in space science and for forging the first-ever, program-level internatonal pertnership for the exploration of Mars."

This medal "is NASA's highest form of recognition that is awarded to any individual who is not an employee of the Federal Government or was not a [US] Government employee during the period in which the service was performed. The award is granted only to individuals whose distinguished achievement or contribution demonstrate a level of excellence that has made a profound or indelible impact to NASA mission success. The contribution must have been so extraordinary that other forms of recognition by NASA would be inadequate."