Imperial staff celebrate going through the promotions

Imperial staff celebrate going through the promotions

New positions for over 100 staff in the 2011 academic promotions round - News

By Laura Gallagher 
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Over one hundred academics at Imperial will begin the Autumn term with new positions, after this year's promotions exercise recognised their dedication to research and teaching.

Across the College, 103 staff have been promoted to positions of senior lecturer, teaching fellow, senior research fellow, reader or professor. The 2011 promotions round sees 34 academics receive professorships, acknowledging their international standing and leadership in their subject or profession.

Staff are nominated for promotion by their department at the start of each academic year. They can also nominate themselves. Nominations are then considered by the Faculty or the Academic Promotions Committee.

Deputy Rector Professor Stephen Richardson, who chairs the Academic Promotions Committee, said: "Once again this year, the field was extremely strong, with many outstanding and well-rounded applications. My sincere congratulations to all who have been promoted – without exception on their own merits."

The photo gallery below features some of the academics who have achieved a promotion this year.

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Many of the photos that feature in this news piece come from a series of photoshoots commissioned by the Communications and Development Division to tell the story of our education and research through high quality pictures as well as words. If you work at Imperial and would be interested in featuring in a future shoot, please contact Natasha Martineau, Head of Research Communications, on

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