Athena SWAN Award Success


Athena SWAN Silver Award

The Department of Earth Science and Engineering and the Department of Physics have both been awarded Silver by Athena SWAN


The efforts of the Physics and Earth Science and Engineering Departments to further and support the careers of women have been recognised with Silver Awards from Athena SWAN. 

Earth Science and Engineering successfully upgraded their 2010 Bronze Award to Silver, and Physics had their 2009 Silver Award renewed (awards are valid for three years).

Imperial now has 7 departments with Silver Awards, and 2 departments with Bronze Awards. Please read our Athena SWAN page to find out more about the awards and work being done at Imperial. You can also find more details on the Athena SWAN Charter website.

The Equality Challange Unit website gives the full list of winners from the latest Athena award round.



Rob Bell

Rob Bell
Office of the Provost


Equality, Diversity
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