Imperial News

New Scientist article discusses the work of DoC PhD student.

by Royston Ingram

Zafeirios Fountas a PhD student here in the Department of Computing has had his work on the NeuroBot Simulator featured in a New Scientist article.

Zafeirios FountasZafeirios Fountas a Phd student here in the Department of Computing has had his work on the NeuroBot game software discussed in a recent New Scientist article.

The software is capable of navigating physical space in a human-like way and could be used to create more realistic video-game characters, better simulate crowd behaviour in emergency situations or control robots in the real world.

NeuroBot in terms of brain behaviour  simulates 20,000 individual neurons and the electrical currents that flow between them, creating some 1.5 million connections. Professor Murray Shanahan, Fountas's supervisor says "This is a far cry from simulating a whole brain - made of about 120 billion neurons - but it is an important step if such bots are to inform theories of consciousness.

NeuroBot's performance, in particular, will provide an indication of whether the theory of consciousness that it is based on - global workspace theory (GWT) - can really produce human-like behaviour.

Read the full article here:

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