Competition launched for ideas about new building


Roderic Hill Building

Roderic Hill Building

Call for new technologies and ideas for developing the proposed Molecular Sciences & Engineering Building

The College is proposing to create a flagship academic building to house molecular sciences and engineering activities on the site of the Roderic Hill building once the Department of Aeronautics moves into newly refurbished facilities in 2017. The aim would be to establish a new collaborative, sustainable, efficient and flexible environment suited to research and teaching in laboratory and non-laboratory facilities for decades to come. The project would also provide the opportunity to showcase new technology in the operations of the building, as befitting a world-class centre of research in medicine, science and engineering

The Project Board are looking for proposals from individuals, groups or spin-out companies at the College that can feed into the development of the new building. Ideas could include suggestions for:

  • technologies that could be incorporated into the infrastructure
  • how the building will operate
  • the layout of interaction spaces

Ideas that fall outside of these categories would also be welcome. Funding of up to £10,000 will be awarded to successful proposals. NB: Technologies must be proven and demonstrable by the end of 2015 to ensure they are incorporated into the design of the building.

The competition is open to the entire Imperial College community and expressions of interest should be sent to Emma Sharp at: by 17.00 on 15 October 2012 using the Expression of Interest form.  The completed form must not exceed one A4 page.


  • 15 October – Deadline for Expression of Interest
  • Expressions of Interest will be reviewed by a panel led by the Deputy Rector.
  • 1 November – Shortlisted entries will be invited to progress to the next stage of the process by submitting a detailed proposal.
  • January 2013 – Deadline for Full Proposals, entrants will be invited to give a presentation to the panel.
  • February – Successful entrants notified.


Lucy Stagg

Lucy Stagg
Faculty of Natural Sciences

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