Imperial News

Mini Profile - Sir Tom Hughes-Hallett

The new Executive Chair of Imperial’s Institute of Global Health Innovation Sir Tom Hughes-Hallett speaks to Reporter.

Reporter speaks to Sir Tom Hughes-Hallett – the new Executive Chair of Imperial’s Institute of Global Health Innovation about receiving a knighthood, teaching hockey and tackling non-communicable diseases.

Can you describe your role?

My job is to support my colleagues in the Institute by building partnerships and raising awareness both internally and outside the College, and increasing our external funding. All of this will allow us to address key inequities in healthcare globally through innovation. As Executive Chair, I will work closely with the Institute Chairman Lord Darzi and Deputy Chairman Professor Guang-Zhong Yang.

How did you feel when you found out that you were going receive a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours?

Humbled, honoured and excited but just so sad that my mother had died the previous year – she would have been unbearably proud!

You’ve been involved in the health sector for a number of years now, most recently as CEO of Marie Curie Cancer Care for 12 years. What do you think are the major challenges for global health?

So many persist despite all the advances that have been made. I am particularly concerned about non-communicable diseases and the need to educate everyone to play a more active part in the management of their own well-being. I also believe passionately that no single organisation can solve these issues and that forming collaborations with clear action points is the way forward.

Is this the first time you’ve worked at an academic institution?

I taught hockey, music and maths in a school in Zimbabwe when I was 21, but I suppose the real answer is yes - it is the first time. However, I have worked in partnership with many academic institutions and had ultimate responsibility for the Marie Curie Scientific Research Institute.

What are your impressions of Imperial so far?

The College is a treasure trove of excellence and I’ve had a wonderful welcome. I feel excited, as there are endless opportunities to harness this excellence for the benefit of healthcare inequalities globally.