October madness in the Library


Students take part in library treasure hunts

Last week library staff enjoyed meeting students at Freshers' Fair and library inductions

During the first week of term it was"all hands on deck" in the Library, as staff gave out thousands of bags and free gifts at Freshers' Fair and ran a full schedule of library inductions for new students.

Freshers attending inductions took part in library treasure hunts and it was great to see you having fun and getting into the competitive spirit. In one case it was even a race to the finish!

Photos of all the start of term events can be found on facebook and we look forward to seeing you in the Library again soon.


Janet Corcoran

Janet Corcoran
Library Services

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8867
Email: j.m.corcoran@imperial.ac.uk

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