Inventor's corner: Earth detection


Nikhil Shah

Nikhil Shah explains his research in the Full Waveform Inversion group

Nikhil Shah (Earth Science and Engineering) is a final year PhD student leading significant research as part of the Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) group. FWI is a mathematical procedure that, when applied to seismic data, produces a precise model of a section of the Earth’s subsurface several kilometres deep; a valuable technique for oil companies identifying drilling targets.

What is the aim of your research?

We want to validate the FWI model and have specifically targeted the problem of reliability. FWI is a complicated mathematical procedure that, when applied in a variable, real world context, can be compromised and lead the model in a spurious direction. So we came up with a solution and have proved its effectiveness on the Tommeliten oil field in the North Sea. Our results show a much higher resolution model of the field, revealing geological structures that were previously unidentified.

What are the benefits?

Improved accuracy and robustness means we can better pinpoint structures for oil extraction and drill fewer dry wells. This results in less damage to the Earth while still making the most of its resources. Individual wells can cost tens of millions of dollars so we are making a substantial saving.

How do you intend to develop this?

FWI builds from a previous, best-available model of the Earth or a ‘starting model’. The challenge for companies wanting to find more oil in less well-explored basins is that these areas lack an accurate starting model so FWI is led astray. We have incorporated a data-processing step into FWI, which reduces the need for such accuracy, thus widening FWI applicability. Our group is sponsored by several major oil companies want to use our findings to gain a competitive edge within their business.

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Kailey Nolan

Kailey Nolan
Imperial Innovations

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