Aeronautics leads the College's improvements in student experience


The Department of Aeronautics has implemented some changes to their undergraduate programme this year.

As part of an ongoing exercise in reviewing degree programmes to improve the student experience, the Department of Aeronautics has implemented the following changes to their undergraduate programme this year:

1) A new method of tutorial provision designed to incentivise individual working on tutorial questions before the class;

2) Introduce small group (4-5 students) First Year Maths tutorials taught by Aeronautics staff;

3) Appointment of Teaching Fellow to engage with students;

4) Re-organisation of lab provision, with each lab being attached to a course, and lab handouts being very clear about what is required of students to produce a good report;

6) Introduction of official weekly surgery hours for all teaching staff;

7) Lecturers prepare feedback report on common exam mistakes which are fed to next year’s students;

8) Recognition as “Department of Aeronautics Scholars” to students about 70% in both years one and two.


Thieu Nong

Thieu Nong
Department of Aeronautics

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