Imperial News

Baroness D’Sousa launched the Neglected Tropical Diseases Report 2012

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

On Tuesday 6 November The Lords’ Speaker Baroness D’Souza launched the third annual NTD Report in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Westminster.

On Tuesday 6 November The Lords’ Speaker Baroness D’Souza launched the third annual NTD Report in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Westminster.

The Chairman of the All-Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, Jeremy Lefroy, in his foreword, highlights the great progress that has been made in tackling NTDs over the past decade and how if momentum is maintained we could see the world largely free of many NTDs by 2020.  He states that “not only would it be a major advance in tackling extreme poverty and its effects, it would also be powerful evidence of the value of well-targeted aid”. 

2012 has been a transformative year for the Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) community.  There has been a sea change in the recognition that NTDs represent a major global health priority with far ranging impacts on educational attainment, productivity and mental health.

To download the APPMG Annual NTD Report 2012 please click here