Imperial News

Smart Water Systems Laboratory

by Angela Frederick

Dr Ivan Stoianov and Dr Julie McCann have started a joint research project with NEC Corporation to establish a Smart Water Systems Lab at the College

Dr Ivan Stoianov (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) and Dr Julie McCann (Department of Computing) have started a joint research project with NEC Corporation to establish a Smart Water Systems Lab at the College. The four year project aims to develop technologies to improve ageing water supply infrastructures, to make them more energy efficient, adaptable and to reduce their impact on the environment. 


"This collaboration is a unique opportunity to integrate NEC's cutting-edge cloud, Big Data analytics and sensing expertise with the novel sensing and modelling technologies we developed at Imperial," said Dr Ivan Stoianov, Project Principal Investigator from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. "This will enable near real-time management and robust control of water supply networks. For example, we aim to reduce leakage and energy use, and improve water quality while increasing the system's reliability and resilience." 

"Exploiting smart sensing, control and IT infrastructures will bring agility to water network systems allowing them to avoid problems or adapt their operation when problems arise," explained Dr Julie McCann, Principal Investigator from the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. "This is a significant change in water management and also the design of complex cyber-physical systems." 

Pipe Burst 

Naoki Nishi, General Manager of Green Platform Research Laboratories NEC Corporation, said: "We are honoured to work with Imperial College London in contributing to the improvement of social infrastructure. As our research in smart water systems advances we hope to expand into new areas of smart city development." 

Lord Stephen Green, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, said: "Water is a precious and increasingly scarce resource in many parts of the world. The development of smart, energy efficient water and wastewater treatment systems is an essential response to ensuring water security, whilst minimising the impact on the environment and contributing to carbon reduction targets."

"This new partnership will help to ensure that the UK continues to engage in the development of smart technologies in collaboration with like-minded international partners. I wish all success to the new partnership and look forward to seeing the results of this joint research." 

Professor David Gann CBE, Deputy Principal for Research and Business Engagement, Imperial College Business School, says: "Global challenges such as climate change mean that cities need to be more responsive, efficient and sustainable with their water resources. I welcome today's commitment between Imperial and NEC to develop the Smart Water Systems Lab because our research will lead to real innovations in the way that we manage water resources. The technologies and processes that we develop as a result of this project could be adopted by many cities around the world."


NEC Announcement