Imperial News

COMMON PURPOSE: Frontrunner for Disabled Students, 6 - 8 February 2013

by Robin Stone

Three day residential leadership course for disabled students sponsored by Santander.

Applications for the next Frontrunner for Disabled Students course are now being accepted. This course will be taking place in Liverpool, from the 6-8 February, 2013. The deadline is 14 December  and the application forms can be found at>.

Frontrunner for Disabled Students is a 3-day residential leadership course run by Common Purpose and sponsored by Santander. The course is FREE including accommodation.

The course provides a unique opportunity to learn through hands on experience rather than in a classroom. It offers the chance for disabled students to meet inspirational leaders and see how they lead in their own worlds, while developing their personal leadership skills. We hope that it will empower them as leaders both during their time at university and as they start their career paths.

You can find more information about the course at